> We're going to East Berlin? I tell you that, yes? No, no, no, no. You didn't tell me that. Oh, yes. Oh, no. Mm. Well, I'm sorry, but... that is where my business is. Who has business in East Berlin? What are you, a spy or something? Yes, I am spy. No, I am like a messenger boy. A courier. A courier. Well, what do you "couri"? They do not tell me. Who's "they"? They do not tell me. I pick things up. I bring them across. I give to man. He pay me. I thought you were a graduate student. Yes, I am, but with this job, I make money to pay tuition. I'm not having a rich father, you know. So you've done this a lot? Many times. You want me to go with you? Please. How long is it gonna take? Only one day. We can even leave bags here. I don't know. You are afraid to go? No, I'm not "afraid" to go. It just seems kinda dangerous to... bring stuff across that you don't know what it is. But you tell me you like danger. Is that not what your game is all about? "Gotcha"? Yeah, but that's just a game. You will see. This will be like game too. "You are leaving the American sector. " And entering the twilight zone. Everything will be okay. Yeah, yeah. There's only one entrance, huh? Nice gun. - Why is that guy taking our pictures? - " It's not unusual." I mean, we didn't even do anything. Jonathan! Halte! Hey, look what you did to the car! I don't "sprechen sie," sorry. L-I was lookin' at the guy with the camera, and l-I didn't see. - L... Jesus Christ! - What did you say? I didn't say anything. - Did you say a curse on me, maybe? - No, no. L-I didn't. Show me your passport. Will you look at me, please? What is your purpose to visit the D.D.R.? - Nothin'. - Nothin'? - Nothin'. Tourists. - Tourists? Well, then... welcome to the D.D.R. Banicek? Danke. Is he gonna give 'em back? Ja. So what's all this "D.D.R." Stuff? I thought we were in East Berlin. D.D.R. "is" East Berlin. It's East Germany. Means, "Deutsche" Demokratische Republik. " Doesn't seem very "democratisch" to me. I mean, that guard at the checkpoint. What an asshole! Jonathan, these are not campus policemen here. You do not talk back to them. They are very suspicious of people from the West. - Especially couriers? - Especially couriers. Danke. Bitte. Danke. Bitte. So, when are you going to do your business? 12:00. 12:00? Then we're out of here? Then we're "out of here." Then we're gonna go to Spain, right? Maybe. What do you mean, "maybe"? It's only fair. I came to East Berlin with you. You oughta come to Spain with me. I would love to go. I think you're a very... uh, amazing person. "I mean this"... "This last week"... Oh, it's been... It's been very special to me. Has been special for me too. Well, what I'm really tryin' to say is... that I love you. Pretty dumb, huh? No. Is not dumb. Look at her. The other one's gonna beat her.! I want to try. - Okay. Break it. - Yippee! Jon-athan! - You make smile. - Ha! Ta-da! There is something I have to tell you. If you ever get message from me saying... to meet me at the Cafe Friedrichstrasse, I want you to leave East Berlin immediately. Do not check out of hotel and do not try to find me. Just go to checkpoint and back across. Cafe Friedrichstrasse? You are hungry? Yeah, I'm kind of hungry. There is cafeteria inside. You wait for me? What are you doin'? It's 12:00. Oh, this is it, huh? Be right back. Bitte schon. Danke. Bitte. Hello. Hi. What you are eating? I'm not sure, but I wish it was a hamburger. So, did you do it? Mm-hmm. Here. Put this in your bag. You want me to carry it? Please. What is it? Strudel. Strudel? What's inside the strudel? Apples, nuts, raisins...
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