light on No, it's never too late Never to leave the light on Tomorrow new beginnings And yesterday will fade Wrong or right on, baby There's just you and me to say How we found each other Wejust found the open door And it's never too late Never too late at all No, no, it's never too late Never too late at all All over the world, I have been accused... of many terrible, terrible things. But I am innocent, I tell you. Innocent. In my country, I am considered a hero. A hero? A hero. There has been a change of plans. We must go to your hotel. To my hotel? Shh! Please. Say no more. This is great. I wish it did not have to end so quickly. What do you mean? I am leaving tomorrow. Where? Where are you going? Berlin. Berlin, why? I told you this was working vacation. I have business there. What kind of business? Nothing very exciting. Maybe you would go with me. To Berlin? Yes, why not? I'm supposed to go to Spain with Manolo. Oh. I mean, we got tickets and reservations and stuff. No, l-I understand you. Have to stay with your friend. No, it-it's not just my friend, it's Spain. I've been wanting to go there since I was a kid. The Pyrenees and the Picasso Museum and... bullfights and Pamplona. I mean, that's where Hemingway wrote his best stuff. Jonathan, you do not have to explain to me. You do not want to go, you do not want to go. I didn't say I didn't want to go. Did I say I didn't want to go? I want to go. I'm going. We're go... We're gone. We're outta here. Okay? Good. Oh, "gut, gut." How's Paris, dear? Paris is great, Ma. You don't have to yell. - Are you learning French? - Yeah, yeah. Learning a lot. Wonderful. I just wanted to tell you that there's been a change in plans. I'm not going to Spain. I met this real nice girl. And we're going to Berlin. Berlin? Jonathan, I don't think you want to go there, dear. Oh, I'll be fine, Mom. I just wanted to call and tell you what I was doing, okay? I love you a lot. Okay, good-bye now. Jonathan! What have you been doing here? Uh, learning about la grande passion, le grand amour. What's that? - How would you feel about goin' on to Spain without me? - What do you mean? Sasha. She has to go to Berlin on business, and she wants me to go with her. Berlin? Yeah. You're kidding me. No, what's wrong with Berlin? Nothin'. If you like machine guns and barbed wire. I thought you were all psyched on this Spain deal. Yeah, I was, "but, uh"... - I just want to spend more time with her. - I don't know, man. I think you're losing your perspective. Why? There are millions of girls in Spain. I know there are millions of girls there, but, uh, Sasha's special. She's special. They're all special. - I think I'm in love with her. - You're in love with her. I don't know if it's actually love, but... whatever it is, it's-it's the most incredible thing I've ever felt. Jonathan, you don't even know this girl. You're gonna do fine in Spain without me. You don't want Bambi hangin' around. I still think you're lettin' the little head do the thinkin' for the big head. But hey, man. Go for it. You love this car? I love this car. Oh, what is it? It's a... I haven't seen one like this. It's a German "Rent-a-Wreck." Yes, Banicek. Mr. And Mrs. Banicek? Ja. Yeah. Yeah. Banicek, Banicek. Yes, one double room upstairs. With a big bed, yes? With a big bed. Gut. Gut. Jonathan, you're getting very good. I had a good teacher. Yes, I know that. So why don't we go to Spain? Now? No, when you're done with your business. When's that gonna be, anyway? Tomorrow. Then we go to East Berlin. East "Berlin?" Mm-hmm. Wait a second.
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