You jumped into a moat with my Nikon? Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I had to. L... This is kind of a long story. I've got all night. Can I come in? Sure. 'Course, dear. Don't tell me. This has to do with that girl, right? Yeah, it does. You knocked her up, didn't you? Oh, Jonathan! Leave it to you to find the one girl who isn't on the pill. - No, no, no. You guys are totally wrong. - You didn't knock her up? - No. - You're flunking out of school? - No, I'm not flunking out. - What is it? Drugs? You're involved with drugs? No, Dad. I'm not involved with drugs. Please just listen. I told you about the girl I met in Paris, Sasha. Everything was going along okay. We were having a great time. I'll bet. Will you let him finish? - Finish. - She told me she was a courier and had to pick something up. - So we went to East Berlin. - "East" Berlin? - Oh, my God. - No. Everything was okay there too. Sasha made her pickup, and she gave me the strudel. Then this Russian guy started following her, so she called and told me to meet her at the Cafe Friedrichstrasse, which really meant that I was supposed to get out of East Berlin. So I go to the checkpoint with the strudel, and I get strip-searched. - Strip-searched? - It's okay. I made it through. But then I go back to the hotel, and somebody'd stolen all my stuff, so I had to stay out all night. The next morning at the Citadel, Sasha wasn't there. This lady showed up, and she wanted the strudel. Why did the lady want the strudel? She didn't, but I didn't know that. So I gave it to her, and they shot her. - They shot her? - Who shot her? I don't know, but they almost got me too. That's why I jumped into the moat. They shot her for a strudel? No, not for the strudel. For this. What's that? It's a roll of film. What's on it? - I don't know. - Why don't you get it developed? Dad, are you kidding? I can't just take this down to Fotomat. It's got spy shit on it. "Spy shit"? Okay, he's on drugs. - I am not. - Sweetheart, it's all right. We have counseling programs. Whatever it costs, we don't care. - You guys don't believe me. - This is not a game, son. This is your life. You're right. I'm on drugs. I'm a junkie. I mainline. I freebase. I put cocaine on my Corn Flakes. As a matter of fact, I gotta go meet my connection. Jonathan! You get back here. "You" had to let him go to Europe! F.B.I. Yeah, I wanna report a following. I beg your pardon? A following. I'm being followed by a Russian. Oh, is this a joke? No. I smuggled a roll of film out of East Berlin. I still have it, and I want to get rid of it. This guy just chased me down Pico Boulevard. He's in a gray Mercedes. He's a K.G.B. Agent. And you are a spy of some sort? No. Do I sound like a spy? I didn't know I was smuggling the film out. My girlfriend... She planted it on me. I'm sorry, sir, but the Bureau is precluded by law... from becoming involved in cases of foreign espionage. I have a roll of film that somebody was shot for, now what should I do? Perhaps the C.I.A. Can help you. Do you have the C.I.A.'s number? It's in the book. I don't have a book. I'm in a phone booth. Then I suggest you call information. Thank you. You're welc... Good evening, Central Intelligence Agency. May I help you? Yeah, I need to come down there right away. What's your address? Langley, Virginia. No, no. I mean, in L.A. I'm sorry, sir. We cannot give out that information. What? We cannot give out our address, sir. I don't believe this. Is there at least somebody there I can talk to? One moment, please. Duty officer. Yeah, my name is Jonathan Moore. I'm not drunk, I'm not stoned and this isn't a crank call. I gotta come down there right away, but your operator... She won't give me your address. What did you
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