Do you always travel at such unusual hours of the night? I just hate crowds. You make a joke. Well... not a good one. Come with me. Take off your rucksack. Put it on here. Open it up. Take off your clothes. Huh? Go in there and take off your clothes. Uh, th-that's all I got, really, so can I get dressed now? Do you know that you are guilty of serious crime? What-What are you talking about? This is what I'm talking about. It's forbidden to bring pornographic material into the D.D.R. - That's not pornography. - Of course it is. This pornographic material will be confiscated. Get dressed. Your passport, please. You have no visa for the D.D.R. What do you mean? Your visa expired four hours ago. You have paid for only one day. But I'm leaving the D.D.R. Now. But you are in the D.D.R. You must have a visa for the additional day. Where do I get this visa? Window two. Yes? What? What do you want? L-I want a visa, please. For how long? For one day. Jesus. Danke. Wait! Wait! - Why are you in such a hurry to leave the D.D.R.? - What do you mean? Your change... from your visa. Danke. Wiedersehen. Come on. Come on. Hey. How you doin'? Am I in West Berlin now? You sure are. Fuck you! Good night. I've been wantin' to do that for the last six months. Now we're talkin'. God bless America. Bitte schon? How 'bout a Whopper? No, make that a Double Whopper with American cheese. And large American french fries, and a great big American chocolate shake. Okay? No sauerkraut. No schnitzel. Moore residence. Hello. Rosario, it's Jonathan. Uh, Jonathan no home. No, no. This is Jonathan. Uh, Jonathan no home. He's in, um... in Germany. Rosario, it's me, Jonathan. Ah, Jonathan. You sound so far away. That's because I'm in Germany. Are my parents home? Uh, no, your parents no home. Uh, they in Palm Springs. Could you give 'em a message? Could you tell 'em I'm gonna be home soon? Jonathan, your parents no home. Yeah. Okay. Good talkin' to ya, Rosario. Take care. Adios. Sorry. She hasn't checked in. Do I have any messages? For Mr. Banicek? Uh, no. Actually, Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore? Yeah. Jonathan Moore. "Message toJonathan Moore. "Meet me at the Zitadelle Spandau on the tower at 10:00 tomorrow morning. Love, Sasha." Uh, what's the Zitadelle de Spandau? It's an old fortress outside of Berlin on the road to Hamburg. I can take the bus there? Yes, Mr. Banicek. Okay. Thank you. Holy shit. Somebody broke into my room. Did you lock the door? Yes, of course. Well, I'm sorry. You see the sign? - Yeah, I see it, but I don't understand it. - The hotel is not responsible. But they got everything. All I've got is my passport, camera and plane ticket. They took my Travelers Cheques. - You cannot pay for the room? - I've got ten East German marks. D.D.R. Money is no good here. You cannot pay, you cannot stay. - You're kidding. - I'm not kidding. Come on. What? I don't know what you're sayin'. You American? Yeah. Come on. See beautiful girls. Stage show, live. Video. No, no thank you. For ten deutsche marks, you can see the most beautiful girls in the world. Let go of me! Homo! What? Come on. Move along. No sleeping on public benches. Jonathan? Jonathan Moore? You know me? I'm a friend of Sasha's. Where is she? She's supposed to be here. I'm afraid she's in trouble. What do you mean? What happened to her? Look, if she's in trouble, you'd better tell me about it. I think she will be all right, but you could help me make sure of it. How? She gave you something in East Berlin. No, she didn't. You don't have to lie to me, Jonathan. I know she gave you something, and it's very important that you give it to me. Why should I trust you? Because I'm the only one who can help Sasha.
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