and joy of your enemies?! Get up. Get up. (Sweeper's song) Where's your hump, Karakol? Till this time it was with me, and now... Here sonny my words have come true. It seems that you had wings instead of hump on you back. Just as birds have. You've killed the villain, and spread your wings. Hold on iron-headed! He breathes! I was just pretending. Are you okay? Yes. - Do you know how does Veronik look like? - How? This like! And Karakol? This like! And we have a present for them. - What present? - Here, take a look. There was a man who loved a girl they married and lived happily to the end of the world No one could tell then and where But it happened a long time ago. The manuscript's letters were faded and blurred But know. Time will never be able to blur, the courage so strong and unbending, And this tale of love, Mixed with grief and struggle, will always be told with a happy end.
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