Rats! Aah! All right, here's the drill. Cats, scratch like you've never scratched before. Dogs, bite but don't chew. And, rats... - See if you can get that pretty necklace around his neck. Canines, felines and "vermines"... it's showtime. All right, boys. Dog pile.! Thanks, boys. The home team will take it from here. Better split before animal control gets here. - Hey, Garfield, shake it easy. - See you later, Garfield. - Yeah, good luck. Odie, would you mind sharing the remote, please? Every dog has his day, Happy. - Nice kitty. - Let's see what's on the news. Let me tell you something, Happy. To you, Odie might be just a dumb, stupid, smelly dog. But to me, he's all that and much more. He's my friend. Odie, try something else. Maybe there's a game on. Strong finish, little buddy. Odie? Garfield? - Odie? - Odie? Odie? - Be happy. - This is for stealing my dog and my cat. He didn't steal me. I was doing the rescue work. Garfield! Odie! - Come here. Hi. - Oh, come here. Oh, I missed you guys so much. I was so worried about you. I'm never gonna let you out of my sight again. Never. You guys are my best friends. - You had me at hello. - Oh. - Get outta here. - This is WalterJ. Chapman... with breaking news from the Midwest. Abby Shields reporting. Whatcha got for me, Abby? Details are sketchy, but it appears that a deranged man... may be the cause of all the trouble here. A deranged man? What is this? In fact, the police are bringing the suspect out as we speak. Aah! Good grief. It's my idiot brother. Hey, that's Happy Chapman. He's going for a ride in the police car. But sources tell me that this incident... somehow involved a dog and a very heroic cat. - Garfield.! - Hey, he saved Odie.! - Now he's a hero. - Oh, I didn't realize. Garfield's on TV. He's a hero. Garfield.! That's Garfield. - Garfield's a hero now.! - Thanks, everybody. - Hero.! - Well, thanks for saying so. It's nice to hear. - We're a whole street full of heroes. - It sounds sincere. Thank you. - Yeah. Heroes.! - Okay. I've been waiting years for this. - Whoa.! - Come on, pal. - Hey, Arlene. - Wow. It's nice to be recognized by your peers. I couldn't have done this without you. L... We... You're a really great friend. Jon, I wanna be more than your friend. - You do? - Yeah. Where do they find the energy? Yeah, just one big happy family. Yeah, right! Hit the floor. No, seriously, you can come up, buddy. Come on. Come on. No, seriously. Come on up. Down you go. We just hit it off so great... because we both love the same thing, and that is... Me. Uh, oops. Hey, Odie, help me. I can't get up. Odie, my friend, bring me some ice. Will you hurry up, you dumb dog? I'm in pain. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Чёрная дыра на английском - текст Короткие встречи на английском - текст Святой Ральф на английском - текст Сволочи на английском - текст Урга на английском |