- Garfield's been here. - Uh, excuse me. - Can I help you with something? - We're looking for Happy Chapman. Uh, yeah. He's on his way to the train station. He's going to New York. D- Do you guys have a pass or something? - I'm gonna have to ask you guys to leave. - Thank you. Okay, thanks. Oh, excuse me. Your attention please. The New Amsterdam Limited... is now departing from Platform 12. All aboard! All aboard.! Good afternoon, gentlemen. What will you be having today... salmon, steak or lasagna? Steak. I hate lasagna. Beep, beep. Cat coming through. Beep, beep. Going through the tunnel. - Nyow! I just had to do that. - It's a cat! Final call for the New Amsterdam Limited. The New Amsterdam Limited is now departing from Platform 12. No. Wait. Please. Stop. Wait. Don't. No. Oh. You monster, Chapman.! I can't outrun a train. Whoa. Watch the train, pal. - Let's wait here now, honey. - Hey. I got it. It's just a train set, only bigger. - Oh, no, we're too late. - No. We're gonna stop that train. Come on. Somewhere around here... there's gotta be a big table... with all the trains on it. Yeah, now's a good time to take a 10-minute break, Ted. Over and out. He looks like the type. And this must be where he's got his little table. I'm very sorry, sir. There's simply no way to stop that train. Ma'am, you don't understand. You have to stop that train. My dog and my cat are on that train. I suppose ifJon can do this, I can. Okay, we gotta find our train. Let's see what happens when I do this. Boston Express switching to Track 18. Well, I'm sorry. Folks in Boston are gonna be a little late today. Ha! Let's see what happens when I do this. - Warning: Seattle Wind... - No, I don't care about Seattle. Warning: Collision. Ma'am, I'm looking for one train in particular. Just one second. I'm trying to find my friend. - The New Amsterdam Limited... - There's the Amsterdam. Warning: Collision, 20 seconds. Gosh, you sound like my mother. All right, hold up. Everybody stop. Warning. - Five, four... - Stop what you're doing.! - Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. - All stop. Yeah! Okay, everybody. Let's take it from the top. Okay? - You have to stop that train. - Hold on. I'll be down to meet you at the station, Odie. Actually, that train has stopped. It's returning to the station. Are we on the right train? Where are ya? I think I recognize that whine. Hey, come on. See, these are the kinds of seats you get... when you book at the last minute. Good to see you, partner. Let's get outta here. Your attention please. The New Amsterdam Limited... Your attention please. The New Amsterdam Limited... is making an unscheduled stop on Platform 12. No, sir, please take your seat. - No, no, my future is running away from me. - What's the trouble here? Please, stay calm and go back to your seat. - Hey.! - How rude! Buddy! Ah. Hey, could you slow down? I've been doing this running thing all day. And I am over it. Hey, we-re... we're safe now. We're free. Oh. - If it isn't Unhappy Chappy. - Going somewhere? Nice accessory, but I don't think I want to play "dress up"with you, pal. Let's get outta here. Let's beat it.! Oh, right in the nose again! So, it's gonna get physical, is it? Did you really think you could just run away from Happy Chapman? Oh, is this a cry for help. No dumb dirty animal is ever gonna get the better of me. And let's see how you feel with 200 volts coursing... - through that thick canine skull of yours. - Chapman... - Come here. - get your hands off of my friend.! - Hey, Boomer. What round is it? - Good to see you, chubby. - We're here to help. - Sir Roland? In the fur! Come on. Come on. Come on. Okay. Okay. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Преступление и наказание на английском - текст День выборов на английском - текст Духовные голоса на английском - текст Ключ на английском - текст Лучшая защита на английском |