think so. Luca's about to have Odie for lunch. If it wasn't for Odie, you'd be Luca's chew toy. Yeah, he saved your life. - Odie's a hero! - Why? Because I wasn't ripped to shreds? No, Odie's an imbecile until further notice. Hey, moondust... if I were you, I'd grab a nice piece of carpet. Jon doesn't let me sleep up top. Ever. Odie... You wanna sleep in the bed? Okay. Wha... Hey, buddy. Good boy. Who's a good boy, huh? You want to sleep on the bed tonight? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I think I'm going to blow cat-chow chunks. Good night, Odie. Good night, Garfield. Great. Wish me luck with the nightmares. Another day ruined. Oh, you little suck-up. Oh! Whoa! Whoa, baby. No. Down. Down, dumb dog. What part of"no" don't you understand? The push off the chair? Off! I don't want to play. Oh! Look. What am I supposed to say? "Thanks for saving my hide with Luca?" Okay, thanks for saving my hide with Luca. Get off! Where was I? Right here. I was right here. Oh! That was a cheap shot. Hit a guy when he's not looking? Okay. Oh, excuse me. L-I think you may have forgotten something. I saw this and I thought, pretty sure it was your... Oh, I love to dish it out. Watch out. You see, you can't touch this. Come on. Uh-huh. That's right. Don't sneak up on me, baby. Oh, come on with that. Get that weak stuff outta here. Is that butt broken? No, it's something like this here. Can you do this? Uh, shouldn't those hips be in the shop? Walk this way, please. I'm-a walking the dog. Well, step it up a little bit. Something like this. Ho, look at this. Watch out for this thing. It could go. Uh-huh. You probably should've practiced in the garage... before you stepped up to someone of my level. Back up. Come on. Fly with me. Maybe something a little bit more challenging. Hey! How 'bout this? Out the front door. Take it outside.! Look who's here on the porch. I'm walking the porch. I'm holding a torch. I'm ready to scorch. Uh-huh. That's fancy footwork. Hey! Look. Garfield's dancing with Odie. They're like buddies now! What's the matter? Oh, my God! Odie, what are you doing here? I was doing a solo dance, and a creepy dog comes up next to me? Did you guys see that? Thank you, fellas. Thank you. Did you guys see that? Thank you, fellas. Thank you. Uh-oh. Here's more trouble. Look at the goony look on his face. - Come on, buddy. Come here. Come on. - Taking him back to the vet? - Time for our date with Liz. - Takin'him back to the kennel, right? Yeah? Are you putting him up for adoption? Hey, Garfield, Jon's taking Odie on his date with Liz... - and he's leaving you behind. - I know, Nermal. They're off on an adventure and you're still here. And your point is? Well, that's gotta feel bad... being left byJon while he takes Odie out. It's like you're not his favorite anymore. Hey, what do you say we play brain surgeon? Would you go get my power tools? This is so sad. Jon has completely lost his mind. Doesn't realize how important I am to him. I need to be so very understanding of him... at this difficult time. Hey, wait up! Wait up for me! You forgot me! Slow down! Please slow down! I'm right back here! Waa... oh! I think I pulled a hamstring. All right. It's okay. I'm on. I'm on. Relax. Oh, my poor nose. So, if you own Marie, please come and claim her. So, if you own Marie, please come and claim her. Thank you very much. Now, before the show starts, go over to the snack section on the south lawn... and get those goodies. We have things there that we're sure... Yeah, go on ahead. Uh... I'll catch up with ya. It's probably just a mild concussion... or... or a skull fracture. Maybe I'll get a CATscan. A CAT ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Про уродов и людей на английском - текст Собачье сердце на английском - текст Прогулка на английском - текст Легион на английском - текст Лучшие друзья на английском |