>[Garfield] Way over there by the horizon? - Come on, Garfield. Let's go.! Wait up.! Wait up.! [Gasps, Groans] [Grunts] - Am I dead? - Garfield, don't move! Don't move? Not a problem. [Louis] Just wait for the walk signal. Oh, no, it's a stampede.! Stampede.! - If I can just get away from this herd. - Garfield! Garfield! Garfield, where are you? Garfield, get down from there, man. No. I'm not coming down. I'm happy to live the rest of my life up here. Thank you. Liz! Liz! - What's wrong? - Garfield's gone. I think he's run away too. First Odie, and now Garfield. Liz, I am the worst pet owner on the planet. - Wait. What happened? - I can't find him. You gotta help me. I can't live without Garfield. Let's start at the park. Let's start at the park. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Garfield, relax. Look. We're here. - We're here now. - Curb service. The Telegraph Tower in all its splendor. [Garfield] It looks much smaller on the box. You gotta go all the way up there? Good luck, playa. I'll catch you later. I don't do the vertical thing. - Thanks a lot, partner. - Oh, yeah. Hold up, "G." - What? - Watch out for the po-po. - You know, five-oh? Control-oh. - Huh? - Animal control, man. - Oh, that po-po. - Keep it squeal. - Hey, thanks, partner. [Louis] Oink, oink. I can't try the door. I couldn't handle another stampede. Hey... [Panting] First thing Monday morning... [Breathing Heavily] I'm gonna get to work on losing those last 20 pounds. Okay, everything looks good out there. Looks like we got ourselves a blockage. [Beeping] Hmm. Guess we'll just... purge the system. [Straining] - [Vent Clatters] - Oh, pardon me. That wasn't my stomach, was it? - [Air Blowing] - Ah, there's a cooling breeze. Ooh. Woah! Woah.! - Whee! - Aaah! Aaah! Oh, my poor nose. [Liz] Jon, stop the car. - What? - It's Odie. Somebody found him. 52903 Euclid Street. Let's go. [Garfield] Odie.! [Garfield] Odie.! Ode.! Ode-ster.! Ode-man. This rescue thing is exhausting. When do heroes get to eat? - [Barks] - Oh, my! - It's Odie.! - [Barks] O-O-O-O... Odie. I found you. I'm so sorry I got you into this mess. Look. We kind of got off on the wrong paw. But, come on. You can be really annoying sometimes. And you don't give me enough space. And you're a major-league suck-up. But we have a common purpose. We shareJon. Jon needs us even more. And I kinda want you back home too. So, stand back. [Grunting] I almost got it. Hurry up, Wendell. Fortune waits for no man. Do you think he's ready for the audition? [Happy] Well, why don't you see for yourself. Come on, Odie. Showtime. Now. Ah. Good morning, New York. I know you're gonna flip for Odie because he sure is flipping for you. - [Whirring] - [Odie Yelps] [Happy Laughing] Ride 'em, cowboy. - A shock collar? That's... That's inhumane. - Tomorrow's science today. Oh, gosh, hot doggy. So, when does our train leave? Oh. Two hours. Tickets? Chop-chop. Poor Odie. He faces a future of torture... neglect and degradation. Hey, nobody gets to mistreat my dog like that except me. Psst.! I'll be right behind you, little buddy. [Whimpers] Surf's up! Gravity, do your thang! Ah-ooh! Ah-ooh.! Woah! Housekeeping at 12:00! Woah! You know... I think I had a nightmare like this once. Woah! Once again, my life has been saved by the miracle of lasagna. I said limo, not taxi. Do you know the difference? Odie, here I come! Don't worry, fella. - I'll rescue ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Дни затмения на английском - текст Начало на английском - текст Сириана на английском - текст Беловы на английском - текст Пила II на английском |