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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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almost finished.
Just putting away
some personal effects.
It's true, then,
about us landing
on Earth?
I don't know.
It is Dr. Zee's contention
that Earth is not yet capable
of defending herself
against her enemies.
If we land,
we will bring
destruction upon Earth
as surely as if we had
inflicted it ourselves.
Dr. Zee.
If we cannot go back
because of a new
Cylon force behind us,
then we cannot go forward.
What do we do?
Simply give up?
We veer the fleet away
from Earth before the Cylons
realize she was our goal.
The visual signals from Earth
show quite clearly that
she is a warring planet,
whose warring factions
could be as dangerous as
those of the enemy behind us.
Then how do you propose that
we enlist Earth's help?
We will send down teams
who will work without
revealing themselves
to Earth's general population.
Mr. President, whoever,
whatever it is,
has entered our airspace.
We have to
assume they're hostile.
Troy, there's something
coming up at us
and it's very fast:
Roll off
and hit your force shield:
Skipper, they just disappeared
off my radar screen:
Hey! You turkeys pull off.
We want to talk to you.
You must have us confused
with somebody else.
My name is not Turkey,
and neither is his.
Pull over, wise guys,
or we'll run you over,
got it?
DILLON: Surprise!
Is there any chance that
you're going near the Pacific
Institute of Technology?
We're going to
see Dr. Mortinson.
The Dr. Mortinson?
Yes, yeah, we had difficulty
with our transportation.
Look, maybe I can
give you a lift.
Does your machine fly, too?
Come on.
GUARD: Miss Carlyle,
this is Security:
Two people have
broken into the building.
If they're with you now,
just say,
"Good morning, Jack."
Good morning, Jack.
TROY: We would like to
leave the Doctor a message.
What if he doesn't
understand the message?
Nobody on Earth could
have done what we did
with that formula.
He'll understand.
Halt or I'll shoot!
Did they say
who they were?
I don't understand
why you're so interested
in hoodlums.
These hoodlums, as you call
them, may be as important
to mankind
as the coming
of the Messiah.
I'd like to tell you
something about them, Doctor,
but I don't think
what I know would
make it worth your while.
Tell him
you'll meet him.
But it's not
what he thinks.
You want a crack
at that job?
Tell him you'll meet him.
Listen, Doctor,
I'd be glad to meet you.
Annie, quick, we've been
trying to get Mortinson
on film for weeks.
The last thing we need
is a lot of attention.
Our ships are what are gonna
get all the attention,
if we don't get back
and charge those energizers.
Yeah, well,
first we've got to
get out of here.
Got a light?
Come on, Skip.
Let's go tell Dad.
NARRATOR: And now,
Part 2 of Galactica 1980.
Mommy, Daddy,
I just saw
a real spaceship.
Willy, look what
you just did to
my clean floor.
And what's the idea
of slamming the door
when you entered this house?
But I saw
a real-live spaceship.
You take those
shoes off.
And then sit down at this
table and stop behaving
like some wild animal.
What's the spaceship
look like?
It's long
and it's got a giant
air scoop on the front,
and space guns and...
Walt, are you gonna
let him carry on
like that?
He'll have her
believing it.
Willy, how many times
have I told you not
to make up stories?
I'm not making it up.
Come and see for yourself.
Young man, you sit
right back at this table
and eat your dinner,
or I'm gonna have to have
a real serious talk with you.
I'm trying to
have a serious talk.
I really saw it.
All right,
I'll tell you what, Son,
if you eat
all your vegetables
and help your mother clean
up that mud you tracked in,
you and I will go out there
to look for your spaceship
after dinner.
Wait till he sees it.
Jamie, this radio mike
will pick up everything
you and the Doctor discuss
about his connection
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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