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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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healthy baby boy.
We have a healthy baby boy.
Now, Cy, don't get crazy.
She didn't mean to...
I'm sure Angela would be proud
to have you as godfather.
What is godfather?
It's a human tradition.
It means a special,
special friend to the family
throughout life.
We cannot be friends:
You three are humans:
I am a Cylon:
Not friends:
You rest now,
I'll take the baby.
Starbuck, will you give
your life for this child?
What are you talking about?
Everything's gonna be
all right.
We're gonna start
our own new world.
And this handsome
young fella
is our firstborn.
Oh, you must prepare yourself
for what is to come.
I've a surprise for you.
The ship is already finished.
I'm not speaking
of the ship, Starbuck.
It is time
to prepare yourself.
For what?
To make the final judgment.
Angela, you're not making
much sense, sleep...
tomorrow is our last day.
No question about it:
Motherhood is the single most
physically demanding effort
a human can endure:
She'd feel more optimistic
in the morning:
Today was too emotional
and draining for reason:
Tomorrow we'd all laugh
and be grateful for our lives:
Angela! Angela!
They're here.
Three of them, fully armed.
Listen, we better
get ready. I...
Who is here, Starbuck?
Your people, Centurions.
I must go:
Don't. Don't make me do it.
Goodbye, Starbuck:
Goodbye, Angela:
Goodbye, Godson:
Cy, no! Don't.
I couldn't do it.
We can't trust him,
he's one of them.
He can't help himself.
Listen, our only chance
is to get to the ship.
We're ready.
You're ready?
How did you know? How...
How do you know everything
before it happens?
I told you last night,
that you had
to prepare yourself
for this is judgment day.
Come, Starbuck,
we must hurry.
Angela, what did you
mean by judgment day?
Who's going to be
judging me?
We all judge ourselves,
Well, I hope so,
because I plan on being
very easy on myself
in certain categories.
Now, look,
if I run into trouble,
just push that button.
The ship is programmed
to head towards the fleet's
secret heading.
No matter how far she
deviates to avoid Cylons,
she'll always return to
that heading sooner or later.
The ship will also
automatically lower
your body temperatures
to sustain life
for a maximum period of time.
You are a good man.
You couldn't hurt Cy,
and now you send us off,
knowing that without you,
the fuel will last
twice as long.
Who says I'm not
coming along?
Goodbye, Starbuck.
I truly love you.
Look, I better seal the ship
just in case.
I love you, too,
both of you.
Oh, felgercarb.
Three against one.
Well, this isn't
going to be fair.
Three against two is better:
That thing doesn't work,
I repaired it: Wait here:
Cy. Cy, you can't
go out there.
Oh, jeez.
Greetings, Centurion:
I am group leader,
Lower your weapons:
And where
is the human?
I extend my weapon
that I may perform
the following function:
You saved our lives.
Cy, you all right?
I don't think so:
My circuits are fading:
No, Cy. No.
Cy, it's just
you and me now.
One human and one Cylon.
No, Starbuck:
Not human,
not Cylon:
ANGELA: The child
is safely on its way,
and I am ready
to return home now.
And I judge this mortal
to be good.
So very good.
DR: ZEE: The small pod
made its way across
the heavens,
emitting its weak
but distinct distress signal:
Farther and farther
into space it went,
carrying the small child
in a near-frozen state:
A recovery team brought
the small pod
aboard the Galactica,
taking every
imaginable precaution
lest it be some
treacherous Cylon trick.
Far from being a trick,
the crude, handmade
spacecraft bore us an
incredible gift, a...
A small child,
a child of the stars.
Then it was true, my dream.
But how could
I know these things?
Dr. Zee, I will tell you
how you know.
You remembered what
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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