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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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Look, I know this'd
look bad in
the Commander's Court,
we being the only
two humans on this
entire planet,
but there's no way
in this galaxy, I...
Spiritual child, Starbuck.
Now, you are ready
for progress, aren't you?
Haven't you spent
enough of your energy,
enough of your resources
toward serving yourself?
I really talked too much
to you, didn't I?
Telling you my life story.
Well, at least I was honest
about my appetites
and bad habits.
Let's put them aside.
Now, we should begin
to make plans with
the first light of dawn.
If you choose.
That was my rudder:
Yeah, well, not anymore.
Now it's a cradle
for the baby.
What time is the baby's
estimated time of arrival?
You make it sound
like a battle squadron
coming in for a landing.
It's a baby, Cy, a baby.
They have their own
way of getting here
when they're good and ready.
At home, we simply make
a new Cylon when we need one:
Yeah, well, with humans,
it takes nine and a half
months from the time
a mother and a father
decide they want a child
until they get one.
Very primitive:
But at least we will have
another pair of strong hands
to help turn the generator:
Sorry, Cy,
I got more bad news.
You see, humans, unlike
most creatures in nature,
they arrive in a completely
helpless mode.
I'm afraid, you're gonna
be up most of the night
turning the generator
to provide additional
heat for the child.
The infant can draw heat
from its mother:
Yes, but at night,
it'll still need
its wrappings changed.
How long must we
apply this procedure?
For at least
the first few months.
This entire operation sounds
like a typical human plan:
Impractical and clumsy:
It is not a wonder
you lost the war:
How is the launching
vehicle coming?
Angela, I've come up
with some ideas, but they
aren't very practical.
There is no choice.
The Cylons will soon respond
to the distress beacon.
How can you be so sure?
Besides, it doesn't even work,
I've ripped it out.
But it was,
so they know the course.
Starbuck, it is predestined.
They will come.
Yeah, well...
Look, I re-examined
my own safety pod,
the one I crashed in.
By taking one
of the Cylon's engines and
structuring a few supports,
I can fashion
a craft of sorts,
but it'll take time.
And when I'm done,
where will we go?
My fleet by now is so far...
Prepare the craft,
We'll find the way.
Are you all right?
Cy, get over here.
Yes, I'm all right,
But there isn't much time.
Please, the ship.
You called?
Yes, I need your help
removing one of the engines
from the main ship.
From my ship?
You're removing my engine?
It's our ship, Cy.
We share everything,
Besides, it's ruined.
I'm gonna try
and build a new one.
How exciting:
Where are we going?
I haven't the faintest idea.
Another great human
plan heard from:
Well, maybe I'm just
humoring her to get
her through the pain.
Giving birth to human babies
can be very painful.
You people really
ought to try our method:
Fast, efficient, and painless:
Well, I'll mention it to
the Commander if we make
it back to the fleet.
Don't mention that
the idea came from me:
You humans are emotional
about our having
destroyed you:
STARBUCK: It was a hopeless
job with inadequate tools
and parts:
Still, in wasn't long
before we had a crazy
looking spaceship
that was half Galactican
and half Cylon:
Even Cy was proud:
We did it.
Cy, we did it!
We did it without her help:
Well, now, let's not
forget it was her idea.
That has to count
for something.
Look, Cy, we're all
in this together.
You two are human:
I alone am Cylon:
We cannot be friends:
Cy, come on.
Let's give it a try.
Cy, I can't do it alone.
It's time.
Oh, Lord.
Get back here.
It's coming!
What's coming?
The baby, Cy,
the baby!
Our way is better:
But, Cy, it's so beautiful.
Just like its mother.
You have a
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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