come back here, what you... Hey, it's dark out there and it's freezing. Cy, where you going? Cy, you'll fall off a cliff. Lord's sake. STARBUCK: It was nasty footing: Treacherous drops of thousands of metrics in all directions: It was more than that: It was hopeless: What would I have said, even a few days ago, if someone had told me I could feel anything for a Cylon, let alone pain and sorrow: After all, he was my enemy: Wasn't he? I awakened early: But didn't have the stomach to face the hopelessness of the day ahead: Sleep was safer: There was less chance of disappointment: (KNOCKING) Starbuck, I have brought you a surprise: Cy, what... What in the... Woman: STARBUCK: Dreams were the lone enemy I couldn't control: There had been visions of food, the fleet, my boyhood home on Caprica, and most haunting of all, the face of a girl I'd never met: She's alive. I presumed you'd prefer her that way: Cy, this isn't funny. This is a living, breathing human being. Yes, I feel I have already compromised everything I believe in: What's helping one more human going to matter more or less? Cy, this is more than a woman. I'm sorry if you are displeased: There wasn't much of a selection: Cy, this woman is with child. Child? Small human. She's going to bear another human life. I am rapidly being surrounded: Cy, we need water. Go to the spot near the cliff where my laser opened the underground stream. By your command: Although, technically, you have no real authority to order me around: Cy, go. I'm going: I'm going: Thanks, Cy. STARBUCK: She hadn't said a word since we'd found her: Obviously, she'd been through a heavy shock of some kind: Who knows? Maybe she was the absolute last survivor of an entire race: I wound up telling her my life story: Strange how my only real companion was still a Cylon: Not that I was ever really mean, it's just that I always found it difficult to commit to any one woman. I guess I was afraid of getting hurt. That's why I never cared if they got hurt first. I... I may not find your incessant talk fascinating, but at least I don't walk off: Did you say something, Cy? No, of course not: What could I possibly say to you? I'm nothing but a machine: STARBUCK: My emergency rations were rapidly running out now that I had two mouths to feed: Her mouth worked fine when it came to eating: We'd fashioned a crude hand-turn generator to furnish our power needs: Starbuck, would you die for me? What'd you say? I know it's a lot to ask. Yeah, especially for a first question. You can talk and all this time you haven't said a word? I'm sorry. Sorry. You're sorry. You let me go on babbling for nearly seven days without saying a word. You let me rave like a mad man telling you my life story, and you don't say a word. Not only am I embarrassed, I'm angry. Don't be angry. No? Well, did it ever occur to you that I might have some questions? Ask me anything you like. Oh. Oh, well, thank you very much. Let's begin with where are you from? How did you get here? I am from a dimension beyond and I came in the usual way. Well, that's a little vague. And I seemed to have misplaced your ship. It didn't stay. Oh. Your fare run out? You get dumped for non-payment of transportation? You can't go out there. It's minus 50... She can't go out there. She already did: I know she went out there. You picked a fine one when you found her, Cy. She's about as loony as they come. What do you mean? Besides, it's her turn at the generator: Yeah, well, we'll talk more about that later. Here. We must prepare a vehicle for our child, Starbuck. Yeah, sure, I'll get right on it. What did you say? It won't be safe here for long. The automatic beacon from the Cylon ship will soon bring hostiles searching for their own. No, no, no, no you don't. Let's go back to the part about our
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