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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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That means our cultures
do not get along,
but that's in their world.
Here, things are different.
If I were dead,
you would be all alone.
I not need anyone else:
I am self-sufficient:
Oh, that's too bad.
You have no sense of values
beyond your own survival?
Is that right?
I exist that the Cylon empire
may grow and organize
the universe:
Well, what you gonna do
with it when it's organized?
I didn't hear an answer.
What are you going to do
with the universe
once you have it organized?
I don't recall anyone
ever asking that question:
Yeah, well, I'm asking it.
Don't you have any feelings
about your empire?
Do you care
what happens to it?
I was created
to serve our empire:
Now we're getting someplace.
So, you...
You are grateful to the empire
for creating you
so that you might serve.
Well, then,
how do you feel about me?
I recreated you
after you were destroyed.
You repaired me:
You did not create me:
I am a Cylon:
So you have no
feelings of loyalty
to me for saving you?
I would have to think
about that:
Take your time.
That's all we have.
Although we could
even run out of that.
Why do you say that?
You cannot exist without
energy to drive your circuits
and pumps,
and I can't exist
without food.
They sure sent you guys
out with a minimum
of information.
Aren't you even interested
in what a human is?
Don't you care what it is
you've been trying to destroy
for a thousand years?
You are our enemy:
Yes, so you keep telling me.
But why are we the enemy?
Because you are:
Oh, Cy.
You mind if I call you Cy?
Cy, you have the mentality
of a two-year-old.
A two-year-old what?
absolutely hopeless.
Okay, we're going
to start from scratch.
You're going to school,
and I'm gonna teach you.
And when I'm through,
you're going to know
all about humans.
And maybe I'll know
something about Cylons.
I'd like that very much:
Just call me, Starbuck.
Just like this
planet you're on.
Yeah, this planet
is called Starbuck.
What an interesting
Yes. Isn't it?
Oh, I've got a lot
of interesting things
to teach you.
By the way, have you
ever played a card game
called Pyramid?
What is a card game?
You have all the makings
of a perfect companion.
Eternal perfection
and order is the goal
of the Cylon Empire:
What about love?
How can you have an empire
completely void of love?
Not to mention
the two different sexes.
Right. Male, female.
Boy, girl. Man, woman.
Right. Have a seat, Cy.
We studied woman:
They are weaker than man,
less durable:
Well, in some cases
they can't pull the same
load over the short haul
but they live longer.
Is that their greatest asset?
Cy, do you mind
if we change the subject?
Now, let me teach you
that game I was telling
you about.
Did I irritate you?
You seem irritated:
No, I just don't want
to talk about women anymore.
You sure you've never played
this game? Pyramid?
Good. Cut.
No, Cy.
Here, let me show you.
All right, Cy.
Let's see what you got.
You now owe me 42,000 pebbles,
three rocks, and one cubit.
Why did you win?
I had four pyramids:
You only had three:
You said that four pyramids
was a superior hand
to three pyramids:
Now, wait a second.
Who's teaching who?
The correct use
of your language is,
"Who is teaching whom?"
And you keep changing
the rules of the game:
Are you accusing
me of cheating?
You are bored with me:
You find my skill level
Therefore, you manipulate
the rules to keep yourself
I am disappointed:
I don't believe this.
How do you hurt
a Cylon's feelings?
Look, I don't
know if this means
anything to a Cylon or not,
but I'm sorry, you're right.
Two weeks on this planet
have begun to get to me.
My companionship
is not adequate:
You require a woman?
Oh, well,
that's a pointless discussion.
I will get you one:
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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