few centons and begin policing the area. I want the area whitewashed, boundaries manicured and... Oh, yes, uniform of the day will be... Oh, let's make it polished metallic. We'll dine at dusk. Dress silvers, and I'll expect some form of entertainment. (SIGHS) Don't ever do that again. You speak only when spoken to. You say "sir" and you speak to me directly. No pairing off and no talking amongst yourselves. Have I made myself clear? Good. Now, are there any questions? Very well. I'll be leaving for headquarters now. You may continue with your duties. STARBUCK: They were definitely a loose group: It'd take some time to whip them into shape: DR: ZEE: It was on the third day of Starbuck's great journey that he reached his momentous decision: Starbuck, you're a genius. No wonder they named this planet after you. A wizard before his time. (GRUNTING) DR: ZEE: Possibly driven by loneliness or more ironically, some deep instinct for survival, Starbuck poured over his dreaded enemy, breathing life back into the shattered form that had been created for one purpose, the extinction of man: In his weakened state, it was possible that Starbuck did not even foresee the ominous implications of his work: For if he succeeded in bringing life back to hulking Cylon form, what would be the massive Centurion's first act? He was born for no other purpose but to destroy humans: His first act, therefore, would quite probably be to kill Starbuck: As Lieutenant First Class of the Colonial Fleet, I do hereby give you life. It's hooked up out there, it's hooked up here. (SIGHS) All hooked up here. Energizer on the ship seems to have a good charge. (SIGHING) All that work. It's downright discouraging. (SIGHS) You're alive. Well, this is a grand day. Only been in charge of this planet for three days and already I've doubled the population. I do hereby declare me President Elect. If that's all right with you? Die, human: Don't be ridiculous. Think I'd save you and then let you shoot me? Besides, it doesn't work. See. Here, try it. You really did. How would you like to end up like those two? Huh? Human, evil: Now, let's not get hostile. See? I can turn you off or on. But I don't intend to keep doing that, not if you're willing to listen to reason. Is any of this making sense? Turn off and turn on: Okay, here's how it works. Now, you need a good charge, so I can get rid of these wires. But until I figure out how to do that, you're drawing power from your ship out there. Yeah. Not exactly a textbook landing but... No offense, but were you at the controls during that touchdown? Cylons work as a team: We are equals: Yeah, well, that's a very nice policy. Except when things start going wrong. So, what happened during the landing? The situation did not compute: So you didn't know what to do. And what happened next? Someone whip out the manual? Yes, the manual did not help: What did you do when it came time for a little personal initiative? We were taking a vote when the ground came up and hit us: Yeah, well... Now, around here, I'm in charge. That is impossible: I am Cylon: You are a human being: We are enemies: Why? There are only the two of us on this entire planet. There is no reason for us to be enemies. Hey, now, by working together, we might survive. Probably not, but we might. It is out of the question: We are enemies: I must destroy you: That's your last word? You refuse to be friends? We are enemies: Okay, I'm gonna have to shut you off. You're sure? We are enemies: Okay, your final word? Enemies: Oh, this is a shame. I really worked so hard putting you together, I... Here goes. Wait: You say something? Why did you put me back together? Well, because after being alone here for three days, I decided I needed a friend. We are enemies: Well, no, we're cultural dissidents.
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