trouble. No, no, you misunderstand, I'm grateful for their visit. In fact, I was hoping that you might be one of them. One of them? Well, they left your name as a point of contact. I'd hoped to learn more from you before confronting them at the police station. I'm sympathetic to you if you need reassurance. Well, I'd like to tell you something about them, Doctor, but I don't think what I know would make it worth your while. The Dr. Mortinson? Why would he be calling us? He despises the media. He's not calling us. He's calling her. Who is she? The new reporter, she hopes. No, look, it's all been kind of a big mistake. Tell him you'll meet him. But it's not what he thinks. You want a crack at that job? Tell him you'll meet him. Listen, Doctor, I'd be glad to meet you. Anne, quick. Get me a camera team, the best. Camera team? We've been trying to get Mortinson on film for weeks. Yes, fine. Where are you gonna meet him? Well, who are you? I'm Mr. Brooks, your boss. Oh, well, outside police headquarters. But I'm doing this under false pretenses. I haven't the faintest idea who those guys were. What guys? Never mind, that really doesn't matter. If you can pull this thing off, you've got yourself a job for life. Come on, we got work to do. Annie, we'll ride out in the camera truck. Do it now! All right. Name, date, place of birth. Uh... Name, date, place of birth. Sergeant, we got some kind of problem here. How can you have a problem with a simple set of fingerprints? Well, come see for yourself. There ain't no ridges, there ain't no valleys. Wise guy. Sanded them off, huh? Don't think you're gonna get out of here without being identified. Our computers are hooked up with police departments all over the world. So, no matter where you come from, we're gonna find out. Look, it's imperative that we talk with Dr. Mortinson right away. Then later I suppose you'll want an appointment with the President. (PHONE RINGING) Yeah? Yeah, right here. Right. Right. Yes, sir. Well, seems some big shots wanna talk to you two guys. Put them back in the holding tank till they come for them, Dobin. This way. In here. What's a big shot? I don't know, but this is the worst thing that could have happened to us. The last thing we need is a lot of attention. Our ships are what are gonna get all the attention, if we don't get back and charge those energizers. Yeah, well, first we've got to get out of here. Hey. Our own force field. Hey, hey. One of you two guys got a cigarette? Okay. Got a light? (CHUCKLES) Very nice, Troy. Now may I point out we're still in jail? Patience, Dillon. Help! Help! Get me out of here! Please! Please, you got to get me out of here! You'll never see me again! Please! Pipe down in there, Moran. I... Hey! Dobin! I thought I told you to put those guys in the tank. I did. Now, Troy? Now, Dillon. Dobin, you idiot. What'd you do that for? Why'd I do what? (DOG BARKING) Go get it, boy. Come on, Skip. Come on, Skip, go. Come on, Skip. Golly! Come on, Skip. Let's go tell Dad.What does he mean he's never driven before? Quite possibly they don't have cars where these men come from. Where don't they have cars? DILLON: Haven't you people ever heard of anti-gravity travel? No, we're not from Earth. Wonder if my coming here wasn't a huge mistake. JAMIE: You can travel through time? How dare you come into my life with... With people that disappear. (GUNS FIRING) Go to turbos and let's get out of here: A permanent home in Nazi Germany. Nice. ADAMA: The great ship, Galactica. Our home for these many years we've endured the wilderness of space: And now we near the end of our journey: We have at last found Earth: NARRATOR: And now, Galactica 1980, Part 2: But first, here are some scenes from Part 1: Troy, I got a message for us to report to the Galactica: I'm
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