But you're fine: All I have to do is keep track of you, send back help: Yeah, after you warn the fleet to get out of here: (SIGHING) Hey, are you gonna: : : You gonna drift or try to find land? I better try to find some kind of hospitable atmosphere somewhere: Starbuck: Yeah: Take care of yourself: Hey, you know me, pal: I always look out for number one: Give Cassiopeia my love, and Athena and: : : Well, tell them not to sit around waiting: I might like it where I'm going: I got to go now, Boomer: My support vapors are running low: Look, I'll be seeing you: My friend, my dear, dear friend, believe me, if I could change places with you, I would: But, sir, we can't just leave him out there! Boomer, don't you think I wanna go back for him? Do you think I wanna leave someone I love like a son, knowing we'll never see him again? Take a look out there. We'll be lucky if we can save our fleet. You mean we can never go back? That is correct. There is no going back. Our enemy pushes us on and on and on. And until we are strong enough, or can find Earth and get help, we can never stop or turn away or look back. Thank you, sir. I appreciate your honesty. First enemy wave has been taken back. They are running with our fighters in pursuit. Order all fighters to regroup and let them run. Fleet is to proceed ahead at flank speed. Goodbye, Starbuck. I love you. We all love you. Tractor gear down: Maximum airfoil deflection: Force field in effect to hold me against my favorite seat: (GROANING) Oh, what a headache. Headache. That's wonderful. Oh, pain, I love you. At least I'm not dead yet. STARBUCK: There was nothing left but my escape pod, which fired automatically moments before my ship impacted: That had saved my life: But to what end? I set my automatic beacon to transmit a continuous signal to those rescuers I knew would never come: Now it was time to set out and explore the planet: Who knows, I might discover an oasis, a citadel of civilization, thousands of primitive people who would worship me as some kind of winged God who'd dropped in on them out of the heavens: Yes, sir, no question about it: This could be the best thing that ever happened to me: I decided to call my new home Starbuck: The planet Starbuck: Why not? I discovered it: It was mine: All mine: Starbuck the planet had not turned out to be any better off than Starbuck the ill-fortuned warrior: I had only enough food rations to last a few days, no shelter and I was alone: All alone: I wasn't alone: It was metallic, honed, shaped, placed there by a living being: My heart stopped, rose up into my throat and nearly gagged me: What had I done? What had so angered the Gods that they would do this to me? It was Cylon: It would be hard to imagine a Colonial warrior depending on the Cylons for survival, but here I was: The temperature was dropping rapidly as the planet orbited away from the suns: The astral winds were increasing the bite of the cold: I had been pretty close to death many times in my life, but never closer than now: The planet Starbuck was a nice place to visit: But tourism and overpopulation would never become a problem: At least I was still alive: Or was I? Perhaps this is the end man fears so much from birth, the ultimate repayment for all of one's selfish acts: A banishment to a place where there is no warmth, no love, no companionship, only solitude and cold: I closed my eyes to sleep, wondering if I would ever wake up: Awakening aboard the Galactica was usually a jarring experience: The blare of a Klaxon, the shouts of angry pilots all being rudely mustered to meet the enemy: These cold-blooded, metallic instruments of death would not cease their warring ways until every human was destroyed: Morning, fellas. Thought I'd swing by and give you orders of the day. We'll muster out in a
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