scheduled, Commander Adama. When do you expect precipitation to begin? Momentarily. The clouds we have created are now super saturated with moisture. Then our next pass over the clouds will make it rain. (THUNDER RUMBLING) Oh, my gosh! It's raining. Can we sustain the fleet on our reserves in the time it will take before we can harvest? The special nutrients I am dispersing with the rain will speed up the germination process, 100-fold. Within a number of Earth hours, the seed shell will be dissolved and the birth process will accelerate. (SIGHS) I have lived my whole life practically in this valley, just like most everybody else in this room. But nobody here has any greater concern for the welfare of the people and the land, in this valley, than I do. And I can say that, because right now, I am concerned for all of us, as neighbors. And the man who is behind it all is Hector Alonzo. Hector Alonzo? What's dangerous about his spread? Now, just wait a minute, Tom, everybody, listen to me! I have seen alien beings at Alonzo's place. I was out at Alonzo's last night, and I saw a group of alien beings there! And we ought to get the sheriff out there with some men right away! Before it's too late! WOMAN: Thank you, Mr. Steadman. (SIREN WAILING) Hector, when did these... Students? Yes, agricultural students. But when did they arrive? Last night, during the rain. They wish to experiment with new farming techniques, Hector. They won't be any burden to you and they'll help with our share of the farm. That won't be any problem. Mr. Steadman, what do you want? You know why I'm here, Alonzo. And don't think I don't know what's been going on. I saw it. I saw all of you. Now we're gonna find out what the law has to say about it. Keep an eye on them, boys, don't let them get out of here. All right, Sheriff, here they are! Illegal aliens, all of them! Arrest them! Now, hold it, Mr. Steadman. We're not arresting anyone just yet. What's going on, Mr. Rogers? Oh, Steadman's made some charges that you're harboring illegal aliens here. I don't feel illegal. Well, Sheriff, go on, ask them some ID, some identification. Go ahead! Take it easy, John, I'll handle it. Jamie... I'm Jamie Hamilton, with UBC. I'm sure you'll find my identification in order. Well, we don't need reporters. Appears to be. No, no! Not her! Them! What about those two? Why don't you ask them, the rest of them? How about you, John? Me? I don't carry any ID. I don't have to! Everybody knows who I am! I don't. I don't want to. Listen, I'm telling you, I saw them arrive, last night. Is that correct, Jamie? Wouldn't the press be interested in this story? Uh, yeah. All right, let me get this down. Mr. Steadman, you said you saw aliens here last night? I sure did. I was standing right on the edge of that field over there when their ship... I mean, when they got here! A ship? What kind of ship? A tugboat or a clipper? Now, look, don't try to make a fool out of me! I know what I saw! I'm telling you that ship came down out of the sky, and it was all glowing. Out of the sky? Now, John, I know you haven't been working too hard, because you never do anything, but you sure been out in the sun. Mr. Steadman, did you get me and my boys out here on full alert because you saw a flying saucer? Look, I know what I saw. That ship made it rain. And then they all got out of it. And then those kids over there, they were running across the field and jumping and throwing things! And then the ship went back over there behind that ridge! Oh, that's good, Mr. Steadman. I think I should contact my office and get a crew on this right away. Now, your name is John Steadman, and you're on the board of the local Growers Association? Look, miss, it isn't necessary to get involved in all that. And, Sheriff, do you often race out and run
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