out now. Now, settle down. And wait right here. Children. Oh, well, we got here as quickly as we could. HECTOR: (STAMMERING) Well, is this... I mean... These Scouts, is that the help you spoke of? Well, they're not exactly just Scouts. We're sort of a specialized branch. A lot of agricultural training. Like the 4-H Clubs. Well... I have a lot of respect for the Scouts and the 4-H Clubs, but they can't work an entire farm. Besides, farming is back-breaking work. Don't worry about us. We're a lot stronger than we look. How strong are you? How far can you throw a ball? Oh, about 3000... TROY: Lancer. Um, a long ways, anyway. Well, I still think it's an impossibility. Why don't we discuss that later? Is there someplace where the children can bed down? Well, I guess they can stay in the barn over there. We have our own sleeping bags. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful night tonight, and I think the kids would enjoy sleeping under the stars. The barn will be fine. Jamie. Yes? What are you doing here? What do you need the children for? And how come I'm dressed in work clothes? I'll explain it to you later. Take your belongings inside. Then we'll have dinner. Okay. Let's go, children. Are these our best agricultural experts, Adama? Yes, Dr. Zee. They will begin the process of helping in the sowing and the planting done on Earth. And then they will remain there to form a colony, if the rain-making process works. The rain-making process is rather simple, Commander. It is not dissimilar to the process earthlings have been using for years. Yes, well, as I understand it, the mist that our ship creates as it enters Earth's atmosphere will be used to form what earthlings call "clouds" above the valley. Precisely. That is where we interrupt the natural process. Precipitation or rain is caused by the evaporation of sea water, or from dust particles blown up by the wind. Then we will use artificial methods to create particles around which the moisture will form. The difference being, that our ship will be able to cool the water vapor to a very low temperature. Then gravity will take care of the rest. And the moisture will fall from the clouds we created. Haven't the earthlings investigated this process? On a primitive level. Rarely successful. We will seed the clouds with super-cooled carbon dioxide, which our ship will also extract from the atmosphere. And that will help create the necessary ice nuclei around which the raindrops will form. Exactly. We will use our prospective colonists to help Troy and Dillon plant the fields. Once finished, they can remain with the Alonzos and begin their adjustment to Earth life. Well... Dr. Zee, we are ready to launch. I don't know where Alonzo is getting his steam from. Are you sure that he was out trying to hire help? I'm telling you, boss, he called everybody in the valley. Now, what does he really think he's gonna do without water? I don't know. But I'm sure it has something to do with those two yokels that he took on as partners. Maybe we should wait a little longer and make sure the people are asleep. We don't have time. We'll plow the field with our lasers and you and the children can plant. (LASERS FIRING) STEADMAN: Those lights are making furrows in the ground. Where are the nutrient monitors? The which? So Mr. Alonzo can find out how his seeds are growing. And the computers. How can you grow plants without computers? Naturally. The way Earth people have always grown things. You mean you just stick the seed in the soil and hope it comes up? Well, no. You have to plough the ground and... How do Galacticans grow things? It's called hydroponics. We ready to plant yet? Yes, we're getting started. (CHILDREN SINGING) They're jumping 50 feet in the air! That's impossible. Carbon dioxide emission proceeding as
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