just take him. How does one mount such an animal? Very slowly. Seems a little upset. I think I would be too if I had earthlings climbing all over my back. Okay, Satan, now just stay calm. I'm more nervous than you are. MAZE: Whoa, watch it. I think he knows that. MAZE: He's gonna get what I got. Yeah, and I think I know why. MAZE: Watch this, watch this. (BEEPING) Uh-huh. Disturbed the brainwave patterns. Well, then the horse is sick. Possibly from mistreatment. Not for long. This horse doesn't seem much different from what was on Caprica. Transmission of alpha waves should settle him down nicely. (BEEPING) MAZE: What? How'd he do that? I've never seen... That's it, Satan. That's it. What do you think about that, boss? BARRETT: Look at Satan, he's standing still. Somebody's done something to the horse. What's happening? What? I don't believe that. That's impossible. MAZE: What's wrong with that horse? There is no way that he can do that. That's a trick of some kind. MAZE: What's he doing? He seems to have a way with animals. He cannot do that! DILLON: I believe you owe us $1000. And we want this horse delivered to Mr. Alonzo's ranch. Get them their things! He's beautiful. Can we have him? Well, I'm sure he'd rather be with you than Mr. Steadman any day. Thank you. Oh, I love him. Do you have a girlfriend? A what? A girlfriend. Uh... (CHUCKLES) Why? 'Cause I think you're cute. (BEEPS) A term of endearment. I think you've got trouble. (DOG BARKING) Hey, give us a hand here, will you? TROY: Certainly. (BOTH GRUNTING) I can handle another one of those. (GRUNTING) Hey, kid, it's a nice-looking horse you got there. Wait till you try watering it. What do you mean? We have enough water for Satan. Not after Mr. Steadman cuts the irrigation quota off for you. MAZE: You people won't get one drop. Just try planting seed in dry ground. We'll appeal to the Growers Association. Lot of good that'll do you. What does he mean? He's right. By the time we get a hearing, it'll be months. (DEVICE BEEPS) Continue unloading. I'll find out what the Commander wants. Yes. Yes, I understand. But with all our food destroyed, it is imperative that you complete your project immediately. Establishing the colony must be of secondary importance. Not only must we have food, but new seedlings to re-establish our hydroponics facility: We'll have no trouble with that. Our problem now is lack of water. Our scans showed little moisture, but sufficient for plant growth: Since then, all sources of water to the land have been cut off. Dr. Zee, without proper irrigation, the crops cannot grow. Captain Troy need not concern himself with that. We shall provide the water once the ground is seeded. How soon must we begin the planting? The ground must be prepared no later than tonight. Troy, out. Who were you talking to? Talking to? With that watch of yours. You were talking to someone. (CHUCKLES) I was just going over some things in my head, I didn't realize I was talking out loud. My daddy says people who talk to themselves are trouble. Chris, why don't you go back and help the others, huh? What was it? We have to begin planting as soon as possible. There's just no way. I've tried anyone and everyone I can think of for 50 miles and I can't get one farmhand. Why not? We have the money to pay them. The problem is not money. It's fear. No one in this valley will stand up to Steadman, for fear of the same thing happening to us will happen to them. Besides, we shouldn't even be thinking about this until we try sinking a well to the water table. You said there was enough water in the creek to plant. Not enough to irrigate for too long. And even if we get help, it'll still take a week, maybe two weeks, to plant and sow the ground. We'll get you help. You will? Who? Okay, you can get
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