s a cigar man. These men are very strange. Some way for us to start a new partnership. I'm sorry this had to happen like this. I don't understand, Hector. Why did those men do that to our seed? They did it because you're with me. Why else? I don't understand either, Father. Prejudice, son. People like Maze, Barrett and Steadman, think they're better than us, just because we're Latino. You always told me I should be proud of what I am. That's right. Our people settled this country long before the Anglos. We were the great pioneers of the West. We produced great philosophers like Ramos, humanists like Juбrez, artists like Diego Rivera. But to people like Maze, we're just wetbacks. Troy, I'm beginning to get angry. I was getting angry about five centons ago. If Steadman's responsible for this, he should be made to purchase replacements. That idea's got about as much chance as a snowball in the Sahara. I think it would be a good idea if you waited back at the ranch. Don't think Steadman's going to stand still for this. Standing, sitting. I'm sure he'll listen to reason. I don't think you realize who you're up against. I don't think he does either. (NEIGHING) (MEN LAUGHING) Well, Maze, you gonna show us what you're made of this morning? Oh, come on, boss. (LAUGHING) Now, come on. You get on that horse. I'd rather not. Now, you know my offer, Maze, 1000 bucks clear. Get on it. Boss, that won't even take care of medical expenses. I'm gonna take care of that. Don't you worry about it. Get up there. All right, now. Settle down, settle down, easy. (NEIGHING) Hold on, now. (LAUGHING) Have a good ride. All right, let me have him. STEADMAN: You can do it! (BOTH WHOOPING) Lifeguard! (STEADMAN CHUCKLING) Well, what can I do for you, gentlemen? We're sorry to disturb you, but we'd like to speak with you. Well, I've always got time to talk to my neighbors. What seems to be the problem? Your employees set fire to the seeds we had in the back of Mr. Alonzo's truck. We think you should make restitution. Is that true, boys? I keep telling you to use ashtrays, Maze. I think probably it was just an accident. We expect to be fully reimbursed for our loss. Well, so do I, so do I. In fact, if you'd just give a list of the supplies that you lost to the boys, they'll take care of it for you. And as far as you're concerned, you'll find that amount docked from your next salary. Oh, boss... End of discussion. We appreciate your cooperation. No problem. While you're here, is there anything else I can do for you? Anything you maybe forgot at the store? We'll be satisfied with what we had. Say, excuse me, you're new here, you don't know about my offer, do you? Do you... You know anything about horses? Horses? Yeah. Here, let me show you something. Mammal, species Equus caballus: (NEIGHING) Four-legged animal. Usually domesticated for riding. Yeah, that... That's probably the best horse flesh in the county. Say, come to think of it, old Hector, he doesn't have a horse at his place, does he? You know, that might be a very good acquisition for you fellows to think about. How much would it cost? Cost? No, Satan is not for sale. No, he's gonna have to choose his owner. See, I have a standing proposition, whoever can ride him, gets him. And $1000 to boot. Come here, boy. Whoa! Back! Back it up. Whoa, whoa. Come here. What do you think? You wanna go home with one of these fellows, huh? What do you think? Seems like an excellent opportunity. He seems friendly enough when spoken to. Hey, what do you think? One of you wanna try your luck with him? You've always had an ability with these situations. This is a good opportunity for them to help out old Hector. I hate to see a good man go under. Yeah, real charitable offer, boss. Come on, fellows. Which one is it? Here you go. Go ahead,
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