the water supply. Well, surely you complained to the association? Complained? About what? It's on Steadman's property. And Steadman has a lot of say with the association. That doesn't sound very fair. I appreciate your interest in our farm, but if you've come to talk about fair, why, you're in the wrong place. Is there a chance that we could look at this obstruction? Oh, no. You have no idea how Steadman is about trespassers. Oh, I don't think Mr. Steadman would mind meeting his neighbors. TROY: Steadman's place is very green. HECTOR: Yeah. About the same color of his money. That's why he's got the clout with the Growers Association. Why is he doing this? Because John Steadman has no use for Hispanics. He thinks we're peasants. Peasants? Yes, that's what John considers us. Because we used to work for him. He'll never accept a bunch of braceros as landowners. There comes Steadman now. Good morning, Hector. You know that my boys have orders to eliminate any critters from this property that don't belong here. And that includes coyotes, dogs and trespassers. I just thought you'd like a chance to meet your new neighbors. Hector, you don't mean to tell me you've gone ahead and sold without giving me first bid? You know I'm gonna be real sorry to see you go. I'm glad to hear you say that, since I'm not going. Troy and Dillon, my new partners. Mr. Steadman. We were just looking at your construction here. It seems to obstruct the natural flow of water. (LAUGHING) Listen, what I do with the water on my property is my business. No, wait a minute, that's not true actually. That's controlled by the association. And since the drought, there have been some very strict allotments made. Yes, we're quite curious about the Growers Association and the local farmers. And this quota system that they're forced to work under. That we're all forced to work under. Now, obviously the man with the biggest spread and highest overhead, is gonna get the largest quota. But in the end, it all works out proportionately for everybody concerned. And the quota system on the water. How does that work out for everybody concerned? All of you farmers are brothers of a kind. Aren't you? You know you're standing on private property. I'd appreciate it if you would vacate the premises. Yeah, those kind, they're always trying to get something, because of what they are, instead of working for it. Not to worry, boys, we'll take care of it in our own good time. Well, I hope you boys know what you're talking about. I'd understand if you wanted to pull out. I thought you would, once you saw the problems we're faced with around here. Don't worry. The driest season in 10 years, a dam across the only water around, you guys buying seed that I don't think will grow, and you're telling me not to worry? What's wrong with our choice of seed? Tomatoes, fine. Corn, squash, that's all right. But beans? lt'll never happen. Why not? Beans are legumes, like peas and alfalfa. Which are great, but they require certain trace elements like cobalt and molybdenum, which my soil doesn't have a whole lot of. Well, like I said, don't worry. We have a special treatment process. All we can do is give it a try. Come on. Sure hope I didn't make a mistake about selling. Hector sure got those boys conned. Got them fronting him for seed. Yeah. I think we better deal with that situation. Hey, habla English? (LAUGHING) Get over! Let me drive that thing! I'll show you how to drive it! You don't know how! Get over! Yeah, yeah! Why do you put up with things like that? It still bothers my family, but... But I've gotten over it. (SNIFFING) I smell something burning. Father, we're on fire! Pull over and stop! Quick! I lost crops before, but... But never so quick. And I think I know what started the fire. Yes. Old Maze. He'
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