zap these other two space nuts, you know? I know it sounds crazy, but it's the truth. I'm not kidding around. This is the way it happened. Colonel, I don't know what you think is really out there, but you got to remember you're in New York City. Outsiders are always taking shots at us because they don't know very much about what's going on here. Chief, you can't tell me that anyone, not you, not one of your men, can explain what has gone on here tonight. And that's because it was not of this world. But I've spent enough time in the New York City Police Department not to be willing to be convinced about almost anything. And what about the two who were supposed to be on the roof, and are not? Where are they? (DISPATCHER CHATTERING ON RADIO) I will protect you: Call the men down off the roof. We're gonna pack it up. Hey, Chief, we've been through some zany cases together before, but you don't really believe there's anything to this, you know... (IMITATES WHOOSHING SOUND) What do you think it really was? It's Halloween, Grover. Trick or treat. Come on down. Right. Time to head for home. Home? But we just got here. And everyone's always saying how lively and exciting New York is. That it has been. No, I meant it. Except for those excitable youths of Central Park, I think it was. It was very nice. And I'd like to see those other segments of that entertainment we interrupted. Dillon, maybe next time. Yeah, I guess you're right. So, this is New York.We're about to establish our first colony on the planet Earth. (MAN LAUGHING) CHRIS: We're on fire! Pull over and stop! Quick! I can't get one farmhand, for fear of the same thing happening to us will happen to them. TRO Y: We'll get you help: They can't work an entire farm. We're a lot stronger than we look. I've seen alien being! They looked like us! I saw the spacecraft that they landed in! ADAMA: The great ship, Galactica. Our home for these many years we've endured the wilderness of space: And now we near the end of our journey: We have at last found Earth: By your command: I'm growing impatient waiting for the Galactican fleet to lead us to the last outpost of humanity. Launch a full-scale attack on their agricultural ships. We must destroy their food supply. Thereby forcing them to lead us to Earth. By your command: On terrain electro-magnetic transmission: Source identified as Galactican fleet: Attack squadron program for agricultural ship destruction: MAN O VER PA: Red Alert! Battle stations, Cylon attack! Red Alert! Battle stations, Cylon attack! Colonial Vipers launching to intercept: (WHOOPING) Do not engage Vipers: Continue to agricultural ship: Several Cylons have broken through the perimeter, Commander. Yes. They're on a collision orbit with our agro ships. Primary objective destroyed: Break off attack: (WHOOPING) (SHIP EXPLODING) With the loss of two of our agro ships, we can't wait any longer. We must establish our first agricultural colony down on Earth. Of all the ships in the fleet, the chance of that one being destroyed... I do not think it was chance, Commander. As we know by now, the Cylons are quite capable of locating us, now that we have discontinued running and remain in orbit. Then why don't they move in for the final attack? To destroy us would cut off their only link to Earth. And they're trying to force our hand, to make us lead them to Earth. Lieutenant Dante's men have been most successful in keeping the Cylons from following Troy and Dillon on their constant trips. At least we have Troy and Dillon in position. They must use every means to replenish our food sources. BOOMER: Troy and Dillon are about to embark, awaiting your orders to launch the decoy squadron, sir. After all these years... A giant step. We're about to establish our first colony on the planet Earth.
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