Broadcasting System. That's where the government cuts in on about 8,000 radio stations and tells them what's coming down and what they're supposed to do about it. We will tap into that system. Hey, you dudes can't do that. I mean, you start messing with that sealed gear upstairs, and the government's really gonna come down on you. You will show us where that equipment is. I can't. Centuri. You got it. Yes, indeed. We're almost there, but don't look down. WOLFMAN: Hey, you dudes are messing with some heavy, heavy stuff. I mean, this is big-time government. The US of A. I mean, this is the big democracy. Is this the emergency system? Ah, give it up, guys. There ain't no way you gonna get in there to activate that system. Centuri. Oh. (WHIRRING) Lead us to the main dish. Ah, look, guys, I got this thing about heights, so... Centuri, keep your place. Tin man. Of all the parties I had to go to, I had to go to this one, and then I had to meet these guys. They ain't never gonna believe this... Transmission's getting stronger. This way. And now we must link it up to signal. Beam out to our brothers. Beam out to your brothers? The signal from Earth has been turned to beam straight up to the star Balcon. I suggest you begin jamming all outbound signals from Earth by sending out enormous high-powered interference on these transmission bands. The Cylon base ship will surely come to investigate such interference. Perhaps with a small patrol. But is that distress signal is beamed up to space, she will respond with every ship in the Cylon fleet. I'll have our warships stand by to launch an intercept against the Cylons. I will also pray that it is unnecessary. I mean, come on now, guys, I've been a real good sport about this whole thing. Now, I've done exactly as you asked me to do, against my better judgment. Yes, you have served your purpose. Centuri. Hold on. Hey, hey, now. Wait a minute, now, big fella. No reason to get uptight. I mean, I believe in "live and let live." I mean, if you and your friend want to look at the stars, you know, and you want to communicate with your brothers or whatever it is, who's to say what's normal? You know what I mean? I mean... Centurion! Stop them, Centuri. Get out of the way! You don't have to say it twice. (GROANS) Centuri, keep them from deflecting the antenna. I will protect you: ANDROMUS: No, Centuri, save the antenna, so that we may communicate with our fleet... You all right? I will be as soon as I get out of here. I will protect you: No, Centuri. I'm going. Bye! Centuri, Centuri, what are you doing? I will protect you: No, Centuri, not this way. No! Talk about close. ADAMA: The signals from Earth have stopped, and we've stopped our jamming. WOMAN ON INTERCOM: Incoming transmission for Commander Adama: Transfer to Dr. Zee's chamber, please. TRO Y: Commander: Troy, you're all right. Is Dillon? Yes, sir, fine and well. But the Cylons, the signals. We were afraid... Temporary setback. The Cylons took the fall. Fall's a good word for it. It was a beaut. It was a... A beaut? That's Earth talk. The Cylons destroyed themselves. Well, then they're hardly now so advanced that we cannot win. No, sir: The next time do us a courtesy, if the Cylons are on their way to Earth, please give us a little more notice. Or don't let them come at all. They ruined a fine holiday, known here on Earth as Halloween. My apologies to all concerned. CHIEF: Span out. Cover the building. Come on, move it! (CHIEF YELLING ORDERS) OFFICER: All right, guys, this way. Up to the roof. Everybody! (BEEPING) Absolutely no one here. You sure about that? Yeah, believe me, we searched every inch of this place: There's no one here: Either they vanished or they rode off on broomsticks: I'm telling you, these two... These two guys come up with tails on, and they
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