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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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Oh, no, no.
No, good news,
as a matter of fact.
The Doctor is
on his way up.
So, if you want to
have a seat, I'll just
get back to work.
We can't stay.
We would like to leave
the Doctor a message.
The symbols are different,
but using the projections on
the screen as a common cipher,
we can give the Doctor
the rudiments of something
that might interest him.
Oh, no, no, don't touch that.
Stay away from that!
No! Oh, no, don't touch that!
He's been working
on this for three years.
Let me go!
This should be enough.
Tell him he can reach us
through a young lady
who works at the
United Broadcasting Company
by the name
of Jamie Hamilton.
Oh, please!
Thank you.
Don't you want to stay?
The Doctor will be back
any minute!
We can't just leave.
The whole point
of our mission was
to get the Doctor on our side.
They'll never let us near him.
This place is under siege.
What if he doesn't
understand the message?
Nobody on Earth could
have done what we did
with that formula.
He'll understand.
Halt or I'll shoot!
Don't do it.
At least it wasn't graffiti.
What's all the commotion?
I just saw the police with
two men in custody out there.
Oh, I'm glad you weren't here.
I'm afraid that some
of the demonstrators
got into the lab.
ALL: Stop nuclear power!
Stop nuclear power!
where's my formula?
Oh, one of the men
that came in here
ruined it.
I had to take it
off the screen.
You didn't erase it?
Oh, no, no. It's still
in the memory bank.
But I'm afraid it's
not going to be much
use to you now.
I mean,
he literally ruined it.
I would have
tried to stop him,
but the security guard
told me to just stay away
from them until they arrived.
My God.
I know, I...
I told you
they ruined it.
You think
very carefully.
Did they say
who they were?
Well, no, but I could tell
they were just part
of that street gang...
They must have
said something.
Well, they mentioned
your paper on PBS.
My one on the theories
of brother worlds
and atomic travel?
Yeah, I guess so.
But I don't understand
why you're so interested
in hoodlums.
My dear,
these hoodlums,
as you call them,
may be as important
to mankind
as the coming
of the Messiah.
Mr. Brooks is still
in his meeting.
You can wait in my office.
To be quite blunt,
there are several people
competing for the on-camera
reporter job.
I know,
but I intend
to get it.
We'll see.
Mr. Brooks' office.
Why, yes, she is.
Miss Hamilton?
It's for you.
The police department.
The police?
I don't know how
they could know
I'm here.
Miss Hamilton, the phone.
This is Dillon.
It works.
You were kind enough to assist
my friend and me this morning.
We've run into
some trouble.
Being strangers,
we're in high hopes
that you'd get in touch
with Dr: Mortinson
and tell him where we are:
Well, I might be
able to do that.
The local news tonight:
Two demonstrators were
apprehended trying to break
into Peace Prize winner
Donald Mortinson's
laboratory after
beating up a security guard:
The man was not
seriously injured,
however he: : :
Oh, Lord,
and I dropped them off.
Jamie, are you there?
Listen, you!
You terrorists.
You don't understand
the situation.
Oh, yes, I do.
This is my first day
on the job and you used me.
You chauvinist!
What'd she say?
I don't know.
What's a terrorist chauvinist?
Mr. Brooks, I really think
you ought to come down
here in person.
I think
we have a problem.
I really can explain.
I'm sure you can.
Dr. Mortinson.
I'm afraid Mr. Brooks
isn't in his office,
Jamie Hamilton?
Yes, she is, but...
Yes. Certainly.
Miss Hamilton?
It's most urgent
that I learn more
about those two friends
of yours, the ones that
were in my lab today.
Doctor, I assure you,
I had no idea they were
going to cause
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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