record finishes, that machine comes on. WOLFMAN ON TAPE: Oh, yeah! That'll Be the Day. And this is your Wolfman reminding you that these late, great sounds coming your way on the mighty WQSL: 150,000 watts of magic: And, now, a quick bit of information for all you night cats: WEATHERMAN ON TAPE: The WQSL weather check for New York City tomorrow shows a high of 78 degrees Fahrenheit, 26 degrees Celsius: And, now, back to the Wolfman: WOLFMAN: Hey, hey, hey: This is the number one: : : Very impressive. : : : the sounds of My Life. Someday, you Earth people will come to understand just how unimportant you are to running a truly efficient society. (MY LIFE PLAYING) You Earth people? Where is your input terminal? We have a signal to transmit. No, no, I didn't actually see fire coming from anyone's fingertips. (COUGHING) Well, I did. She's very excitable. (IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE) Excitable? Norman, I actually saw someone blow up a kitchen. (STAMMERING) And you say I'm excitable. You actually saw a flame coming from this creature... Appear as though it was coming from this man's fingertips? Yes. Yes. How many times do I have to tell you? Yes! You know, I saw this movie once, and the guy had a flame thrower attached to his arm. But he covered it up with a robe. He had to create this burning bush to impress the natives. Did this man we're talking about appear to have a flame thrower attached to his back? (COUGHING) No. No. Now then, which of the two men I'm about to show you spewed flames out of his fingers? Well, neither one of these. Neither one of these? He didn't look anything like these guys. Mr. Blore, maybe your head is a little clearer. Well, now, wait a minute. He was there. Ah-ha, now we're getting someplace. Now I can add arson to the list. You sure this is the man who started the fire? No, no, no, no. He was the one that rescued us. He rescued you? Oh, yes! Yes, he ran right back through all those flames and he saved little Sammy. I probably owe that man my son's life. You sure about that? Oh, yeah. Well, he is definitely not the one that started the fire, and the other one wasn't even there. Not that we could see. Not that you could see? That means there was another one there that you could not see. Well, he was in this 8-foot suit. Yeah. He was immense. And he had this big red eye that kept drifting. (IMITATING WHOOSHING SOUND) There'd been a lot of libation going on before these two got there. Halloween cheer. If you're asking me, had I been drinking, no, I don't drink when I cook. Excuse me. (ALL CLAMORING) Quiet! What's going on here, Sergeant? This is a hospital, not a booking office. I'm sorry, Captain. We found these two boys running down 5th Avenue, and when we stopped to question them, they start babbling like a couple of maniacs. So I thought I'd want to check on them. You know, to see if they were drinking or something like that. Officer, we ain't been drinking. Man, this was like something you've never seen. Go on, take them down to the station, check them out. What about that metal creep? It was a Cyclops! Yeah, he's telling like it is. Some big chrome-dome is trying to take over our territory in the Park. (SIREN WAILING) BRIGGS: A security guard saw this 8-foot giant entering the International Trade Center. CHIEF: Probably the same one those young punks saw. Close enough to make you a believer? I believe we got trouble. I just don't know what kind it is. And until I find out, it's my jurisdiction, not yours. Chief, before this is over you may want all the help you can get. We will need the emergency homing device. Hey, that's expensive stuff. Listen, anything you want to do, you can do right here with this microphone. What emergency transmission procedures do you have? You know, that's government stuff. That's the Emergency
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