minutes, will you? My pleasure, Chief. Nice meeting you, Colonel. Pleasure meeting you. The next time I say, "Take 'em," I don't want you clowns giving me no hesitation. You move when I say move. Or I'll find me some real muscle to take uptown. We are gonna teach some lucky dude the meaning of trick-or-treat. TOUGHIE 1: Hey, somebody's coming. Hey, who are you guys? I mean, I don't know what you want, but I can't help you. We wish to see your broadcast center. WOLFMAN: Are you kidding? You mean you want to walk 50 blocks? This is a bad night for mugging. WOLFMAN: I mean, I've been through a real experience, man. I'm dead. You know what I mean? Okay. Okay, now, where can I... (STAMMERING) Where can I take you guys? International Trade Center. Yeah. Yeah, okay. I said it was going to be hard to swallow. You said it was going to be hard, but this is ridiculous. I've got a fellow officer in a Washington hospital suffering from a kind of shock that isn't at all ridiculous. His brain is someplace else. His brain is someplace else. That's what they're gonna be saying about me if I pay any attention to your request. I don't want those men harmed. We don't shoot people on sight, Colonel Briggs, but the men must me alerted. Especially when there's reason to believe they're in danger. Which I think is the case now. I'll admit to that. Sorry to interrupt, Chief. This could be what you're looking for. A fire over in Central Park. What has that got to do with... We've got a dozen witnesses in Bellevue that swore a guy burned down a joint with flames coming out of his fingers. Flames coming out of his fingers? Colonel, where are you going? Bellevue. You don't believe that. No, of course not. Get another car and follow us. Okay, that'll be five bucks. That will be all. Show us to the transmitter. We are almost there, Centuri. And soon we shall summon our brothers to the last outpost of human civilization. What have you learned? Our scanner's right on target. They're here. Right up the street. A taxi driver said they're in that building. Of course. There's a transmission tower. Come on. What is it you guys want? I mean, if you want to make a political announcement or something... I mean, you know, something can be worked out. AUTOMATED VOICE: All floors above this floor are closed to the public: Access is by special key only: You will find further information on the control panel: The key. The key? The key. We'll be on the top floor in just a minute. Radio station's on the 70th floor. The extension tube's over here. WOLFMAN: It's this way. (THAT'LL BE THE DAY PLAYING) # That'll be the day when I die # Well, that'll be the day: : : What is it? Why have we stopped? I don't know. AUTOMATED VOICE: All floors above this floor are closed to the public: Access is by special key only: You will find further information on the control panel: Just a number to dial. A lot of good that's gonna do. Oh, now we're getting someplace. Troy, that's a long way up there to the top. Do we have a choice? How is it? You're not gonna like it. Come on up anyway. There. Now we should be able to jump. Not all the way up there. No, we should be able to leap one floor at a time till we reach the top. That's a wonderful idea, Troy. Why don't you try it? I'm going to. Be careful, Troy. Your turn. I don't want to get too far ahead of you. No, that's all right. I'm not proud. 39 more to go. # That'll be the day when you say goodbye # That'll be the day you make me cry # Whoever is in charge must be warned to cooperate. Their well-being is completely in your hands. Yeah, well, you tell them. Tell whom? The machines. You see, when I go off the air, the rest of the night is fully automated, and the machines do it all until 6:00 in the morning. The music we play is on this machine, and when the
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