that guy out there about the security system at the station. He asked if he could go to the station to see how a show is done. I said sure. When he said tonight, I laughed. Yeah, well, I'm not laughing. I noticed. How did he find out about the keys to the elevator? I told him he couldn't get there at night. There are only three sets of keys. Why? What's going on? Look, Arnie, I think we better call the police. What? I think we got a couple of nuts out there. Nuts? What kind of friends did you invite to my party? Well, I only know them an hour. An hour? You invited perfect strangers to my party. And now they're probably getting out of line, is that it? No, no, no. It's just that all this talk about the radio stations got me nervous. I'll tell you what, Norman, take these out, pass them around. I'll be out there in a minute and I'll see that they leave nice and quietly. No, no, no. That could be dangerous. Remember, I worked my way through school as a bouncer. Believe me, Norman, there's nobody I can't handle. Hi! We were just talking about you. Hi, pal. Having a nice time, are you? You were speaking of danger: (LAUGHS NERVOUSLY) Danger? No, I... Did you say anything about danger? No, no. Well, I... (STAMMERING) I said that it was dangerous. I mean, the meatballs. When you take one, you have to take another. They just grow on you. Yeah. Wait till you sink your chops into one of these. (CENTURION BEEPING) What happened? He collapsed. Probably ate some of your meatballs. Poor man. He did not eat my meatballs. I was just in here cooking, he came in and... Maybe he's got a pacemaker. Think it could have been the microwave? No, no, no. That's not true. Unless he had an old pacemaker. I read alternating current can do that. Here, help me get this off. What have you done? The machine. Turn off that machine! (WHIRRING) Arnie, what did you put in the meatballs? Gunpowder? Somebody call the fire department. I will before that fire spreads. Get the kids out of here. Use the stairwell! Wolfman, give me a hand with this guy. Centuri, rise. Stand back: Stay back from me: Wolfman, we'll go this way. TROY: Come on. Looks like a fire in the top floor. (SIREN WAILING) Not the elevator! Use the staircase! (ALL CLAMORING) The signal's weaker, Troy. They must be leaving the building. WOMAN: Sammy! Sammy, no! Skippy's in there! You go after the Cylons. We'll communicate later. No, no, no, no. I'll get him. No, wait a minute. No. Sammy! SAMMY: Skippy, Skippy, where are you? Skippy, Skippy, where are you, Skippy? Come here, Skippy! Come on. I want you to put this over your nose and mouth. I want you to breathe through it. Okay? Let's go! (DOG BARKS) Skippy! Stay here. I'll get him. Okay, let's get out of here now. I want you to stay down close to the ground where the air's better. Smoke rises. Oh, oh, Sammy! FIREMAN: Use the stairwell just in case there's a power failure. Now, there's no danger below this floor, so take your time. You can take him to Bellevue. They'll be receiving for an examination. We're always happy to cooperate completely with the federal government, Colonel. However, you're not giving us very much to go on. The matter is under a close security blanket. What's the matter? Don't you trust the New York City Police Department? No, I didn't say that. Then just what did you mean? There are things under investigation that do not necessarily seem rational. Nor do they present possibility of rational explanations. The average cop on the street couldn't handle it. Don't underestimate my men. All right. You want it straight. (SIGHS) I'll give you what I can. Alone, if you don't mind. Grover's my right hand. What I hear, he hears. That's the way it is. I understand. All right. I believe we are dealing with aliens from another world. Grover. Give us a few
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