ghosts and goblins and part-time Frankensteins to have a good time tonight. Right? Oh, yeah! ALL: Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! All right. Yes, indeed. Hey, Wolf, I need you on the balcony. Well, I tell you, you know... Wow! What... Who's the chrome head? Centuri. Wow. Well, listen, I got all my fans here. I got someone who's been dying to meet you all night. He's a real fan of yours. Well, anybody with taste like that, I can't keep waiting. Oh, come on. Excuse me, guys. Okay? Okay. All right. Hi, happy Halloween! Hi! The legendary Wolfman Jack. This is my friend, Andy... Call me Andy. Well, lay it on me, Andy. (CACKLES) I'll just leave you two alone. Hey, I understand that walking monument out there belongs to you. Monument? Yeah, that big dude out there. You know, with the silver hairdo. Yes, we enjoyed very much hearing your transmission. Though it did seem somewhat primitive. Well, that's my style, but you talk about primitive. Primitive was when Marconi sent the letter S across the English Channel back in 1901. Now, that was primitive. I am very interested in what you call radio. Oh, yes, radio. Radio is the real music of the spheres. Each and every star and planet out there are sending out their own signals. Just like the old Wolfman, who is a heavenly body in his own right. The only thing that can stop the Wolfman Jack is a big old solar wave. Solar wave? Yeah, you see, every now and then, the sun gives off with an attack. It's like eating spicy food. And sends out waves and waves of gases for millions and millions of miles. And I tell you, it stops radio plain dead. This would stop your transmission? Yeah, can you dig it? Oh, quite possibly. A vegetation center in the middle of all this concrete. I estimate the signal they're emitting is coming from those perpendicular dwellings just beyond this space. It's not the kind of place you'd expect to find a powerful transmitter. There's got to be a link to the Cylon mission here someplace. DILLON: Too bad we're on such a deadly mission. Because New York looks like a nice place. According to my scanner, the signals are getting stronger. It's coming from that large dwelling dead ahead. Hey, look at the fancy Dans. Going to a party, boys? (TOUGHIES CHUCKLING) Yes, well, we are in a hurry. Fine, we'll keep it short and sweet. Your money or your life. That hardly seems like an equitable trade. We don't have any money that you could use. What kind of money are you carrying, fancy Dan? Stolen. Stolen? He's carrying stolen money. It was a mistake, but strictly speaking, he's correct. Hear that, fellas. Fancy Dan has been heard from. Okay. You hand over your stolen money. We'll worry about it from there, and you can both be on your way. Come on, give me your money, baby, huh? We can't do that. It would implicate you in a bank robbery and that would be unfair to you. Man, I heard some jive in my time, but this is prime stuff. Now, one more time, dudes. Troy, why don't we take advantage of the vegetation? That's a good idea. That way we can avoid violence. That does it. Take 'em! (TOUGHIES EXCLAIMING) Where'd they go? Hey! May I remind you we're in a hurry? Right. Goodbye. Must be that junk food I'm eating. It's affecting my head. I found no keys: We must take a human: I have examined these premises. There is a food preparation center with an access door. A human could accompany us without alarming any of the other guests. I want you to go there and wait. I will bring the one who best serves our purposes. By your command: Norman, just in time for a fresh batch of meatballs. Forget the meatballs, I'm worried. Forget my meatballs? Forget these morsels of heavenly splendor that I spent an hour and a half preparing? Arnie, I don't care if you spent a year and a half. Now, I want to know what you told
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