DOOR CLOSING) (BEEPING) The signal's getting weaker, Troy. The Centurions must be on the other side of the city. DISPATCHER ON RADIO: Attention all units: Code 1016: Be on the alert for two Caucasian males: Approximately 6'2", both wearing leather jackets: One light tan, one dark brown: Suspects are armed and considered dangerous: Repeat: Suspects are armed and considered dangerous: Hey, you two. Do you want something? Unit 62 R: : : No, just headed into the city. : : : report to Benson's Market, 1864 Lexington: Code 34: All units, additional description of two Caucasian on Code 1016: Last seen in stolen police vehicle in East River: One or both believed spotted in wet clothing heading west from river: Hey! Hey, you two! Come here! Unit 47, report to East Side YMCA: DILLON: We can't remain in these clothes much longer. Every police officer in this city is looking for us. All the facilities for clothing appear to be closed. DILLON: Even if they weren't. It's kind of hard not to be noticed when you're soaking wet. This way. (MUSIC PLAYING) # Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay # Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder # It's the truth, it's actual # Everything is satisfactual # Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay # Wonderful feeling, wonderful day # Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay Troy. # My, oh, my, what a wonderful day # Plenty of sunshine headin' my way Dancing mammals. # Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay Strange. # Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder # It's the truth, it's actual # Everything is satisfactual Dillon. Looks like every size imaginable. Yes. Shall we? By all means. Strange-looking. But I guess they're acceptable down here on Earth. Let's hurry. # Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder # It's the truth, it's actual # Everything is satisfactual # Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay # Wonderful feeling, wonderful day # Hats. Canes. Come on, let's go. Five, four, three... Troy. The Good Ship Lollipop. (APPLAUSE) (INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PLAYING) # On the good ship Lollipop # It's a sweet trip to a candy shop # Where bonbons play # On the sunny beach of Peppermint Bay: : : All right. That's them. That's all we wanted to know. Okay. Colonel, how did you know? They identified the photographs. No question about it. They're the two that climbed out of the ship. We think they're smugglers. I want you to get their likeness out to every police department in the Tri-State Area. Sir, it's already been done. All right, but I want these men taken alive. That will be up to them, sir. They're armed and dangerous. MEN: # If you eat too much WOMAN: # Gee whiz MEN: # You'll awake WOMAN: # With a tummy ache We gotta get out of here. Right. Lift me. Hey, lift her! # On the good ship Lollipop # It's a night trip into bed you hop DILLON: And for our disappearing act. # And dream away on the good ship Lollipop # Lollipop # (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Did you feel something? We've lost a lot of time. I know. According to my scanner the Cylon signals remain constant. It's approximately 4.6 acron ions in strength. That means they've either been stopped by something or they've reached the transmission station where they were headed. Taxi! It worked. Hey! Hi, everybody. Happy Halloween! Wolfman Jack on the scene. You wanna have a party tonight, say, "Oh, yeah!" ALL: Oh, yeah! All right! I will need you, Centuri. These people have told me that their transmission center is just beyond those buildings. It cannot be visited at night because of security precautions. They have, however, what are known as keys for emergency admittance. Centuri, we must find those keys or take one of these people with us. You will investigate the man who dwells here. By your command: Oh, my! It is Wolfman. See, I told you he'd be here. Hi, Wolfman. What's your name? Tommy. Hi, little Tommy. Hi. Now, I want all you little
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