ON RADIO: Just laying down the sound: : : Stop the car! Stop the car! What? That costume, it's incredible. Costume? Are you out of your mind? You just gave me a heart attack. Hey, you want a lift? It's Halloween, right? Everybody has a blast tonight. Come on. Turn on your scanner to the Cylon distress frequency. (BEEPING) They've got some kind of transmitting device. They must think they can use it to reach the Cylon empire, but how? And this is my husband Norman. He's general manager of the station we're listening to. Station. 150,000 watts. On a good night, they can hear us in the next galaxy. Really? Mildred and Arnie are just gonna love this. Yeah, well, I hope they feel the same way after Arnie forces a couple of his famous meatballs down their throat. Now, Norman, don't get started on those meatballs again this year. (SIRENS WAILING) Troy. I see them. We have the fugitive police car in sight. We're in pursuit. We stop, we'll lose time. That's the one thing we can't afford to lose. All those Cylons need to do is get control of a transmitter for just a few minutes. NARRATOR: And now the exciting conclusion of "The Night the Cylons Landed:" DILLON: This is the largest city, we've seen on Earth. TROY: We should easily be able to lose our pursuers. DILLON: Yeah, tell them. They're right behind us. (TIRES SCREECHING) That was close. Troy, they're still right behind us. Troy. Yes? We're running out of city. I think we just ran out of city. (SCREAMING) Troy. Over here. OFFICER 1: Get on the horn to Harbor Patrol to start looking for bodies. And, look, until we get them, cordon off the area. Commander Adama here. Go ahead, Captain Troy. Lieutenant Dillon and I located the crashed ship. Commander, it's a Cylon ship. Yes, we know. Our Earth brothers, are they aware of the Cylons' existence? Negative, the ship was set to self-destruct. There were no traces left that can be analyzed. Thank the Lord. But there's something else. Not all the crew members perished inside the crash. By our judgment, they're not that far ahead of us. We assume that they're headed for a powerful transmitting station in the city of New York. Commander, if they transmit Earth's location... Yes, I understand, Doctor. Troy, Dillon, never has your mission been so grave. We must not let the Cylons transmit Earth's location to their battle fleet. We won't. We can't. (DOORBELL RINGS) Oh, Norman, Shirley, you look wonderful! (CHUCKLES) Arnie, the boss is here. ARNIE: Good. Tell them I'm baking a real surprise in here. Yes, well we baked a real surprise out here. Fellas. Oh, what a get-up. Arnie! Arnie, come here you've got to see this. Oh, come on now, what could possibly be... Holy... Who is that? Who's in there? Wilt Chamberlain? Guess again. No, I can't. I gotta get back to the kitchen and meatball... There goes the surprise, I gave it away. I only wish... Oh, come on. I want you to have the first taste. Listen, I think I ought to introduce our friends around. We got to bring them if we could talk them into coming. CHILD: Hi, what a space suit! Tommy, kids, this is Andy and... Centuri. Centuri. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween, little people. Well, I hope you like the crowd. It's mostly ad agency... You know, media. I'm interested in your transmissions. Transmissions? Yes, your Wolfman Jack. Well, if you're interested in broadcasting, you've come to the right party. You'll find out anything you want to know, right here. That would be very helpful. (SIREN WAILING) (TIRES SCREECHING) What took you guys so long? My kid locked himself in the bathroom. DISPATCHER ON RADIO: Unit 47:: : I can see him through the crack in the door. : : : to East Side YMCA: He's sticking his tongue out at me. OFFICER: Lady, we'll get him. WOMAN: Hurry up! WOMAN: I can't believe it. (
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