Centuri and I would be delighted to meet this Wolfman Jack. And I would like to hear all about your radio station. Well, then it's settled! I can't wait to see Arnie and Mildred's faces when we walk in with these two. Me, neither. (SIRENS BLARING) Troy? I see them. We have the fugitive police car in sight. We're in pursuit on West 12th Street, heading toward Westside Drive. We're gonna have to make a choice. If we stop, we lose time. It's the one thing we can't afford to lose with those two Cylons ahead of us. Maybe if we tell somebody what's going on, here on Earth. Who'd believe us? The Air Force? Wouldn't do any good. All those Cylons need to do is get control of the transmitter for just a few minutes. Amazing. Yes. I always feel the same way whenever I come to Manhattan. Where exactly is this party you fellows are going to? Oh, you needn't be considered about us. Aren't they cute? Mildred and Arnie are just gonna love this. Yeah, well, I hope they feel the same way after Arnie forces a couple of his famous meatballs down their throat. Now, Norman, don't get started on the meatballs again this year. They are to the digestive tract what Vida Blue is to the San Francisco Giants. A stopper. Norman, please. You're gonna frighten these guys. NORMAN: Good, if they had any sense, they'd go to their own party. The only reason I'm going to Arnie's myself is because he is the best program director in radio. And as for that sister of his, she's so desperate for a husband, she once proposed to a mugger in Central Park. Oh, she did not. You're terrible. We'll see. The only thing I can tell you fellows, to be on guard. Between Arnie's food and his sister's romantic malnutrition, you could be in for the night of your life. You don't need to be concerned. We're quite capable of defending ourselves. Right, Centuri? By your command: Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. (GIGGLING)Your money or your life. Turn off that machine! A guy burned down a joint with flames coming out of his fingers. Flames coming out of his fingers? It was Cylon of human form. What? He was in this 8-foot suit. It was a Cyclops! Hey, that's expensive stuff. What emergency transmission procedures do you have? Hey, you dudes can't do that. ADAMA: The great ship, Galactica. Our home for these many years we've endured the wilderness of space: And now we near the end of our journey: We have at last found Earth: NARRATOR: In a moment, Part II of "The Night the Cylons Landed," but first a few scenes from Part l: Captain, I'm still echoing that slow-moving target. Everything suggests a Cylon machine. Visual sighting, sir. She's coming right at us. Prepare for evasive action. We damaged her: It looks like she's gonna blow right into Earth's orbit: According to our calculations, she's going down smack in the middle of New York. Every observatory in the world has spotted it. Once it touches down, we should be able to locate it. You haven't even told me what it is. Our main concern is to get to the craft and its crew before anybody else. We are encountering signals from the planet below: There are apparently life forms on this planet. Andromus, I see it, but I do not understand. We have done what no Cylon before us has been able to do. We have found the lost human civilization. She's going in, about 60 miles north of New York City. I see it, but what is it? I am created in man's image, so I may go wherever necessary to study their transmission centers. So that we may use our distress beam to signal our people. It's not one of ours. Troy, it's Cylon. You guys weren't in that crash. That wasn't our ship. Let's check you guys out, huh? Up against the car. Feet spread. Now. That's it. Spread your legs. Hey, Leroy, what in the world is this? I don't know, some kind of cigarette lighter? Holy... WOLFMAN
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