what in the world is this? I don't know. Some kind of cigarette lighter? Holy... (SIREN BLARING) Troy, maybe telling them about the Cylons would have been better. You heard them. They think we're criminals. What would they have thought of a story of Cylon invaders? They'd have locked us up. Turn on your scanner to the Cylon distress frequency. DILLON: Distress code? That's why Dr. Mortinson couldn't find what we told him to look for. Troy, we were looking for one of our signals. If that distress call reaches the Cylon base ship... It's too weak. Even the Galactica couldn't pick it up. They've got some kind of transmitting device. They must think they can use it to reach the Cylon empire. But how? Earth has a lot of powerful transmitters. They must think that they can alter one to transmit directly into space. They were monitoring Earth's strongest signals on their way down. They may know exactly where to go. They don't have that much of a lead on us. Besides, we have surface transportation. Troy, that's what I like about you. We're up against a brand-new Cylon we know nothing about, and you think we have the advantage. We do. This is their first time on Earth. Remember what that was like? Our topography scans served us well, Centuri. I'm sure that we've landed within 1,000 metrons of the primary communication center. We should be able to walk there within a single period of darkness followed by light. WOLFMAN JACK: (ON RADIO) That'll be the day! My, my, this is the night, this is Halloween night with Wolfman Jack just laying down the sounds: : : Stop the car! Stop the car! (TIRES SCREECHING) What? What happened? That costume, it's incredible. Costume? Are you out of your mind? You just gave me a heart attack. Those guys must have broken down somewhere. Hey, you want a lift? Shirley. Come on, we'll give you a lift to town. I'm not really a vampire. I'm in a costume, just like you. We're going to a party. Wow. Anybody who'd go to the trouble to make a costume like that has got to be a good guy. It's Halloween, right? Everybody has a blast tonight. Come on! Shirley, maybe these people are waiting for a tow... SHIRLEY: Are you kidding? Out here? Where would they find a phone? You better get in here, in front with me and Norman. I think your friend takes up the whole backseat. Come on. He's a big one, isn't he? Gotta be hot in that getup. (SHIRLEY GIGGLING) Troy, the signal is slightly weaker. They must be moving away from us in some kind of vehicle. We're almost back to the main artery. Then we can go faster. ANDROMUS: We are grateful for your assistance. Sure. So where are you heading? Towards the large population center. You even talk like you look. I wish that Mildred and Arnie could see these two. Shirley, no. Norman. Have fun. I mean, everybody goes to two or three parties on Halloween. I'll tell you one thing. You'd have a terrific time. Everybody's going to be there. Even Wolfman. Wolfman? WOLFMAN JACK: We're gonna get down: : : There it is. All you part-time vampires, we're gonna get down in the Disco Inferno: (HOWLING) I'm being terribly rude. I'm Shirley, and this is my husband, Norman. He's general manager of the station we're listening to. Station? NORMAN: 150,000 watts. On a good night, they can hear us in the next galaxy. Really? Attention all units, Code 10-16: Stolen police vehicle in area of Hudson River Parkway: Unit Number 1711: All units report any contact and be advised: Two men, Caucasian, reported driving vehicle, are armed and considered extremely dangerous: Troy? Yes? There goes our advantage. We're in trouble. I guess they're humoring us. If they don't know about the radio station, then they must be classical buffs. In which case, they probably won't be very impressed meeting Wolfman Jack. On the contrary, I think
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