what is it? I don't know, let's call headquarters for help and have it checked out. (SIRENS BLARING) Headquarters, headquarters. Car Seven on l-5. Can you go any faster? Faster? To where? North. North. (SIRENS BLARING) Would you be interested in making some more money to follow those vehicles as fast as you can? Long as you want to head towards the law, I'm your man. Centurions, I am trapped. Centurions? I command you, rise. (MECHANICAL WHIRRING) (MECHANICAL WHIRRING) Centurions. I command you. I am answering: Centurion Nine. By your command: What is your priority? To protect you: I, Andromus, command you. Rise. Move, Centurion. Fire roads are to be kept clear. We could lose that whole mountain. Let's get it. Come on. Let's get up that hill, come on. Turn here. Turn here? There's no road here. Then stop. There goes a couple of odd fellows. Lift, Centurion. Lift. (GROANS) Oh, thank you, my friend. Now, we must find a way out. I must set off the automatic detonator. We must keep the humans from utilizing our advanced technology. Distress beacon. We must hurry, Centurion. We have only microns. Do you realize what this means, Centuri? We have no way back and we are alone. Two against a world of millions. I will protect you: That is my first order: According to their transmissions, we have a great advantage. These people do not know about us. They do not know about the Galactic war. After our ship self-destructs, there will be no trace of our presence, and I will be able to move freely among Earth people without fear of detection. We will destroy all humans: Yes, Centuri, but I blend with the populace. I am created in man's image. I'm as agile as they are. I appear human. So I may go wherever necessary to study their transmission centers so that we may use our distress beacon to signal our people. I will protect you: I know you mean well, Centuri, but your form does not blend. My first order is to protect: What is it, Centuri? I perceive life forms approaching: Then we must go. Anyone who comes near the ship will be destroyed. TROY: It's not one of ours. Troy, it's Cylon. Scan the area for electronic tracks. Where are you going? Are you crazy? Dillon? Troy, it looks human. TROY: No, it's Cylon. Let's get him out of here. The ship's about to detonate. Let's go! You all right? Yeah. (SIRENS APPROACHING) Wait a minute, how could they get out of there alive? Paramedics over here! You guys weren't in that crash? I think they may be in a little bit of shock. MAN: Get those hoses going! How anybody could've got out of that crash alive, I'll never know. Looks like we're not the only ones following this crash. I just got a call from the Chief. He wants the whole area sealed off. I'll tell you what. Check that crash site. And if it was drugs, let's get all the credit we can. You guys wanna tell me about it? I don't think this is the time to be talking. But you seem to be okay. Let's have a statement. We just got here. I know you just got here. I can see that. But, where'd you take off from? Take off? Your plane came down, which means it had to take off from someplace, right? That's not our ship... Plane. We just arrived. From where? A taxi dropped us off on the road back there. A taxi dropped you off. When? Just after the crash. Absolutely nothing left of that plane. I mean nothing. Not even a mark. Tough checking their flight plan. There won't be a flight plan. These boys were on unscheduled business. That I promise you. Now, you watch them, and watch them close. Sure. Look, is there some place where we could go? To make a statement. Sure. Max! Yeah. Boys wanna come clean. Okay, let's hear it. Right this way. But first, let's check you guys out. Up against the car. MAX: Feet spread. Now. Spread your legs. That's it. MAX: Come on. Hey Leroy,
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