the atmosphere surrounding this planet in order to reduce our velocity. The planet we are approaching has seven major land masses: A radius of 6,378 kils and is 71 per cent covered with a blanket of H2O. Centurion, projection. Given three atmospheric braking skips, what is the anticipated landing zone? Analysis of the planet we are approaching on scan. The body has a central molten metal core surrounded by a sea of molten rock. The cool thin crust of hard granite. The atmosphere is composed of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide, plus minor trace elements. What will be ship's skin temperature at maximum? 2,000 degrees chronic. WOMAN O VER P: A: : Because of the problem onboard earlier in our flight, there will be F: B: l: people boarding our plane before anyone can disembark: But it shouldn't take long: You'll all be in the terminal with plenty of time to get to those Halloween parties: Hallow what? Forget that. Look up F.B.I. Uh-oh. Law enforcement. First magnitude. Federal Bureau of Investigation. We can't afford to talk to them. We are now on approach to J: F: K: : : Gentlemen, may I ask you to come to the rear galley area as soon as we land? The officials will wanna question you. I suppose that's necessary. You're too modest. I'm sure there'll be an army of newsmen there. You're regular heroes. How do we get into these messes? How do we get out of them? All right, she's in. Now we need a nice, neat corridor right through here when we bring them out, all right? Can we get through here, please? Please stay seated until we have come to a complete stop: Would you come with me, please? Passengers continuing on have one hour before we take off: We ask you that you please remain in the terminal area and listen for your boarding call: Passengers terminating at J: F: K: may claim their baggage: : : Just stay here until they come aboard. Thank you for flying with us and we wish you a pleasant stay: Would it be possible for me to use the, uh... You want to comb your hair for the cameras? Comb my hair! Yes! That's it. Me, too. And they say women are vain. Go ahead. You ready? Ready. DILLON: Here's my hand. TROY: I got it. Stay right behind me. The hijackers are in the upstairs lounge with our senior purser. The two that subdued them are in the rear restroom. Can you men go with the agents? I'll wait down here for the two gentlemen in the restroom. Officer! I'm sorry, somebody pushed me. Who? MAN: Hey, somebody pushed me. Not too bad. Except that we're very late. WOMAN O VER P: A: : The white curb is for passenger loading and unloading only: Troy? According to my scanner, the probe is coming down 60 miles due north. Hey, no luggage? Luggage? Head north. North to where? Just north. No luggage, no destination. You sure you guys got enough bread to pay for this ride? No, but we have money. (CHUCKLES) Let's see it. North it is. We are encountering signals from the planet below: There are apparently life forms on this planet. Perhaps it is a life form advanced enough to help us repair our ship. ANDROMUS: Andromidus. ANDROMIDUS: I see it, but I do not understand. Centurions, home in on the largest communication center. And compute its location from our expected point of impact. As you will: We have done what no Cylon before us have been able to do. We have found the lost human civilization. Projection. Chances of ship's survival. ANDROMIDUS: Less than three percent. Survivability of the Cylon units within the ship. Centurion survival, unlikely. Advanced forms may reach planet's surface in functional state. ANDROMUS: Counting down to impact. All crewmen prepare. 20, 19, 18, 17... (PHONE RINGING) Briggs. She's going in, about 60 miles north of New York City. Okay, we're on our way., six, five, four, three, two, one. Hey, Leroy. I see it, but
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