your machine fly, too? Come on. (PEOPLE PROTESTING) You're sure you want to get out? Looks nasty. What's going on? Anti-nukes. Your Dr. Mortinson has innovated a whole new type of nuclear power plant. These people are upset because there have been so many reports of inadequate planning and safeguards with nuclear power. Clean nuclear power? Is that all this agitation is about? Is that all? You must really have your head up there in the clouds. I guess so. We want to thank you. You've been very kind. Strangers in a new place have to stick together. If you ever want to get in touch, I'll be working at United Broadcasting. I hope. I don't like the looks of this. Oh, I do. It tells us exactly what Dr. Mortinson needs from us. You know, we can turn him into a hero before the day is out. How do you make them understand? You don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. You don't give up on nuclear power because we haven't got all the knowledge. This takes time. Oh, come on, now. Don't let them get to you this way. How do I ignore them? Because those are real people down there. They have real families. They care about what happens to them. I care about what happens to them. Yes, but it isn't your responsibility if they misuse the tools you give them. No. Maybe we're trying to use the tools before we're ready. Before the tools are ready? Or the people? I don't know. Consider this. Seventy-seven years ago, man couldn't even fly. It only took us 66 years between the Wright Brothers' first flight at Kitty Hawk in 1903, to putting a man on the moon in 1969. Sixty-six years. How long have we been in the nuclear age? Thirty-five years? Since 1945. Well, of course we don't have all the answers yet. Right now we don't know how to break down nuclear waste. We don't know how to make it harmless, to neutralize it. We'll figure it out. This takes time. Donald! Are you all right? It's nothing, it's nothing. Oh! That does it. I'm gonna call for the police. Don't overreact. Where are you going? Find something to clean this up. (SIGHS) Hello, Security? This is Dr. Mortinson's lab. Would you get the police up here? That mob downstairs just started throwing rocks. (PEOPLE PROTESTING) Dr. Mortinson is expecting us. What floor is he on? What are your names? I have to check. Dillon and Troy. Mortinson. 323. Hey! Where'd they go? This is Security. AR Building. We've got trouble. Oh. Did you come to clean up the mess? No, we came to see Dr. Mortinson. Oh, I'm sorry. He can't be disturbed right now. But it's important. Possibly life or death. Do you know the Doctor? We know the Doctor from a recent paper that he delivered on what I believe you call your educational transmission band. Transmission band? Television channel. Right. I see. Well, this really isn't a very good day to come unannounced. I mean, as you could see outside, we're under a lot of stress here. Yes, I can see where that would make it difficult to theorize. Especially abstract theories of nuclear degeneration. I had trouble with that theory myself. TROY: But he's on the right track. Now, look, I don't know who you are, but this is a very bad joke. I mean, there aren't even three people in the world who could make heads or tails of this formula, and that includes the Doctor's staff. (PHONE RINGING) Excuse me. Yes. GUARD: Miss Carlyle, this is Security: Two people have broken into the building. If they're with you now, just say, "Good morning, Jack." Good morning, Jack. All right, that's all we need to know: Now, don't be alarmed. We're on our way. Have they revealed any weapons? No. Not yet. We think it's the Doctor they want, and we know he's not in his office. Just let them think he's on his way, and move to the east corner of the room, away from the door. Yes. Thank you very much for calling. Bad
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