plane must have lost pressurization. If you don't go on oxygen, you'll pass out. What's happening back here? We got an indicator light that the oxygen masks dropped... I thought you'd done it to trick the hijackers. Hijackers? Right there on the floor. That one has a gun. Be careful. What's the matter with them? I don't know. I do! Those two guys zapped them with a flashing light. What's he talking about? I don't know, he... You know children, vivid imaginations. They zapped them. I saw it! We wanna talk to you when the plane lands at Kennedy. All right, everybody, just relax. Everything's under control. I want you to inform the Captain, we want a priority clearance, and have the F.B.I. meet the plane. You okay? Maybe this Cuba would've worked out better. No, we'll be fine. Dr. Zee, you must have heard that Recon Probe Delta has been located. Yes. One of our squadrons found it adrift and towed it in a short while ago. The flight crew, Briton and Kanon, both sustained wounds from their ordeal, but they performed admirably as warriors. Although they bring us distressing news. Dr: Zee, Commander Adama, we tried to stop that Cylon ship, but we didn't have a chance: It was incredible: The firepower and speed: I don't think there's anything in the galaxy equal to it: If it was not our Viper that we've been tracking toward Earth... It is the Cylon vessel. Then the Cylons will walk the Earth. We can only hope Captain Troy and Lieutenant Dillon arrive at the landing site in time to intercept them. But they don't even know that they're hurrying to rendezvous with the Cylons. (SIGHS) Do you realize it just took us nearly five hours to fly a miniscule 3,000 miles? That's only ten miles a minute. You can fly to the planet Pluto in less time. Pluto? The lady at the observatory mentioned it. The important thing is that we're on the eastern sea. Plenty of time to intercept that ship. This is your stewardess: We're caught up in a little heavy traffic over J: F: K: We'll be circling around for a while to get our turn at the field: Nothing to be concerned about: We'll keep the beverage service open until we're cleared in: It should be about 30 or 40 minutes' delay: Forty minutes? We'll still be there in plenty of time. Latest word, Colonel. She'll probably hit around nine o' clock, Eastern Standard time. BRIGGS: You got any better idea of an exact landing area? You know better than that, Colonel: NASA missed by an entire continent when Skylab came down: You had better be a whole lot closer on this one. That's entirely up to the hardware coming down. If it holds together, I could put it within a 200 or 300 mile radius. But if it breaks up, forget it. You'll be lucky if it doesn't knock you out of the sky. That's what I like about you, Major. You are so encouraging. Well, thanks for the update. I'll be standing by. Think it's Canada all over again? No. When that Russian satellite came down on Canada, we already knew exactly what it was, how long it had been up, what went wrong. No, this one is different. Came into our atmosphere from I don't know where. DR. ZEE: Adama, we've examined the close range scans of fighter ship Delta before it collided with the Cylon vessel, and I have some alarming news. Since the time of our defeat, the Cylons have not been idle. Not only have they developed new machines, but they have evolved beyond our greatest fears. In what way? Consider this. In 30 Earth years, it is possible to create a totally new technology. If they are so all-mighty powerful, why don't they simply destroy us? They wish to experiment with their new machines. Using us as living targets. ANDROMUS: We're slowly but inexorably being drawn to orbit around that blue planet. To land in our present velocity is to invite certain destruction. We must exploit the increasing density of
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