based life. Theories indicate these planets would most likely be life-supportive, even though there is no positive evidence of extraterrestrial life. Is she a frimp? Shh. Yeah, but my point is those machines of yours keep turning up on military radar. You're gonna have to go to New York by conventional means. What are you gonna do with the children? We were hoping you'd ask that. Well, I'm sure they can spend a couple of days at Billy's camp. You call me if you need me. Thank you, Jamie. And I'll make the travel arrangements with the airlines. A flight in one of your flying machines. That should be great amusement. WOMAN O VER P: A: : Now arriving at Gate 29, Trans-Global Flight 91 from New York: Passengers holding tickets may check their baggage: : : If you've checked your bags at the curb, you can proceed directly to the boarding gate. What flight are you on? We're going to New York City. Nine M. Nine M? We have a flight two. Nine A.M. That is Flight Two. Are you ticketed? We were told to mention pre-paid. Pre-paid? I can take care of that for you. What are the names, please? Jones and Smith. Jones and Smith? Those were the names that Jamie said to use. Remember, there's a bulletin out for Troy and Dillon. Good thinking. I just hope our images aren't appearing on all these computers. Yes, that could be difficult. Which one is Mr. Jones? He is. There you go. You can proceed right down this way to Gate 43, through the scanner. Scanner? You must not fly much. Scanner. You know, metal detector, to prevent hijacking. Oh, sure. Hijacking. Right, high-jacking. (CHUCKLES) Well, have a nice flight. The act of seizing a vehicle for illegal purposes. I wonder what someone would do with an aircraft once they'd seized it. Strange place. It's going to take a lot of getting used to. Troy, what about our lasers? She said metal. They're carbon synthetic. We shouldn't have a problem. WOMAN O VER P: A: : Mr: C: Bell, please report to the baggage claim area: I'm sorry to be holding you up. This is what happens when you have a baby. WOMAN O VER P: A: : Passengers arriving: : : Thank you, very much. Have a nice flight. Tickets, please. Smoking or non-smoking? I beg your pardon? Would you prefer smoking or non-smoking? Which way does the plane run best? That's cute. Well, I guess if you're leaving it up to me, you don't care to smoke. Seats 14 B, C. You can go directly onboard. We're ready to close the flight. Gate 43, right over there, okay? You just made it. Looks very comfortable. Hi. Row 14, seats B and C. Hi. Hi. Row 14, seats D and E. I'll take that for you, sir. Thank you. Welcome onboard Flight Two: For your comfort, the cabin will be pressurized: Should we, for any reason, lose pressurization during the flight, you will find oxygen masks automatically dropping from the overhead compartment: Simply place the mask over your nose and mouth as demonstrated by your flight attendant and breathe normally: I'm not used to flying with somebody else. I hope these people are good. : : : oxygen should become necessary: : : Maybe they'll let me take the controls for a while. What do you think? I wouldn't even let you. : : : be in their seats for take-off: Why don't you study this guide to the city? Would you like to buy earphones? Thank you. All right, everyone. Remain in your seats and be calm. Please do not move. We are taking this airplane to Cuba. Cuba. A country on an island in the West Indies south of Florida. Capital, Havana. Forget it. We don't have time to go there. Easy. We could get somebody hurt. That oxygen device. It must drop on some kind of electrical impulse. You, in the back. Use the phone to make our demands be known to the cockpit, or we will be forced to use violence. What is this? What are you doing? We didn't do it. It's automatic. The
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