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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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Yeah, they look
like the Gorkons.
Whatever it is,
it's coming down.
Skylab all over again.
I'll have 50 reporters
on my back if you let
this leak out.
Sir, every observatory
in the world knows
what's happening here.
We can't keep it
from the press.
You're sure it isn't
one of our own satellites
falling back to Earth?
It could be
Israeli or French.
But, the odds-on guess
around here is that
it's Russian.
Well, one thing for sure,
I'd much rather explain
one of their mistakes
than one of ours.
The worst is
yet to come.
You mean it
could get worse?
Yes, sir.
According to our calculations,
she's going down smack
in the middle of New York.
Oh, my Lord.
How much time do I have?
Give or take a few hours,
I think she's coming down
sometime tomorrow night.
WOMAN: Welcome to the
Griffith Park Observatory.
Displayed here in the foyer
is a foucault pendulum.
Suspended 70 feet in the air,
the large weighted gold ball
swings back and forth
due to the rotation of the
Earth, knocking over pins that
equal the time of the day.
TROY: Children,
follow those people.
WOMAN: Thus giving us
physical proof that the Earth
is rotating on an axis.
TROY: Go on. We'll catch up
with you later.
This is our solar system,
consisting of nine known
planets that revolve
around the sun,
of which Earth
is the third.
Scientists theorize that
there may be a tenth planet
as yet undiscovered.
At this moment,
man has only set
foot on the moon.
But robot probes
have explored Venus, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn.
JAMIE: The phones
haven't stopped ringing
since that object
started falling
to Earth.
I'm so glad you called.
I was afraid you
might be involved.
What have you been
able to find out?
Every observatory
in the world has
spotted it.
Now, I checked with
Caltech, and as best
as they can determine,
it should come down
in the next twelve hours.
How closely can they
estimate its trajectory?
They project it will
land somewhere
in the Tri-State area.
Any word from Dr. Mortinson
on the transmission?
None. He's been
monitoring that special
frequency as you asked.
But there's been nothing
over the air waves.
That's strange, Troy.
They should be using
our distress channel.
We know the general
vicinity where it's
Once it touches down,
we should be able
to locate it.
You haven't even
told me what it is.
There's speculation
all over the media
that it could be Russian.
No, it's not
Russian, Jamie.
It's one of ours.
So we have regular
reconnaissance patrols
monitoring Earth's corridors.
Just in case a Cylon
ship manages to slip by.
They're that close?
We've learned to be
cautious, Jamie.
What happened
to your patrol?
The Viper broke
radio contact and hasn't
returned from its mission.
The only thing that
we can assume is that
it had a malfunction
and drifted into
Earth's orbit.
Thank heavens.
Our main concern is to get to
the craft and its crew
before anybody else.
you're going to
New York? How?
We have a Viper.
No, you can't do that.
I had a visit this morning
from the United States
Air Force.
A Colonel Briggs.
Regarding us?
Yes, he's investigating you.
He suspects we're
not of this world?
No, he didn't go that far.
One thing he's sure
of is that he's going
to find you.
Thank you for
the warning, Jamie.
As big as it may seem,
our solar system is tiny
compared to our galaxy.
The vast Milky Way,
where there are over
100 billion stars.
Actually, 114 billion.
Well, young man,
that isn't what
the scientists say,
but you do bring up
an interesting point.
Each year, the number
changes, as more and
more are discovered.
You make notice some
of the more familiar
such as the Big Dipper.
That looks backwards.
That's when you're
coming from the other side.
Of these planets that
surround these stars,
many could probably
support carbon-
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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