medical attention. And Xavier got away. Don't worry, we'll find him. Jamie, we can't thank you enough. You've done a wonderful job. I just never want to see another ballgame as long as I live. I don't understand why. You said that the children were rather proficient at the sport. Isn't that what one strives for here on your planet? Proficiency, yes. Out of this world, no. Hey, hey, the ball. Come on. I just hope they don't learn any other game. Children, come on! Hey, where are you going? Hey, the ball. All right. Oh, no.The ship you seek is just now entering the Earth's atmosphere. It is the Cylon vessel. The Cylons will walk the Earth. She's going in, about 60 miles north of New York City. Centurions, rise. Our main concern is to get to the craft and its crew before anybody else. Stop the car! What happened? That costume, it's incredible. You just gave me a heart attack. It's Halloween, right? Everybody has a blast tonight. ADAMA: The great ship, Galactica. Our home for these many years we've endured the wilderness of space: And now we near the end of our journey: We have at last found Earth: KANON: Captain, I'm still echoing that slow-moving target: Put it up on the large scan: Yes, sir: BRITON: Verification signals? Mineral content, body deflection and absorption factors: Everything suggests a Cylon machine: It's a Cylon fighter: And look at the armament on that ship: But larger than their pursuit craft: And much faster, sir: It's approaching now at an incredible rate: Raise the Galactica, Priority Red: Visual sighting, sir! She's coming right at us: Prepare for evasive action: Skipper, what happened? We're not even close to range: We've got to find out what's inside that new ship and notify the Galactica. I don't believe the firepower: We're going in: We have to get some close-range scans on that thing: You keep trying to contact Galactica. There's nothing, sir: They must have a jamming signal blocking the air waves: We have to pull out: Not till we get a close-up scan: Feldercarb! Look at this: The outline is humanoid: There is no way we can let that thing continue on its present course: It'll discover Earth: We've got to stop it: We're the only ones who know about it: I only know one way to do it without using firepower: Here goes nothing: This is Recon Probe Delta to Galactica. Acknowledge: Priority Red: (STATIC) I can't raise the Galactica. Lieutenant, we damaged her, but it looks like she's gonna float right into Earth's orbit: Lieutenant? Commander, our monitors have detected a ship floating un-powered toward Earth. Dr. Zee, we've tried to reach Recon Probe Delta, but they do not respond. We must assume there was complete power shutdown, or they would have returned by now. I think we can assume that what our monitors are picking up is Recon Probe Delta: It must have drifted into Earth's gravitational pull. It will undoubtedly be observed by Earth's defense system. You must contact Captain Troy and Lieutenant Dillon at once. They should be in position to rendezvous when the craft lands. Troy and Dillon are still taking care of the children. I'm sure they're helping them adjust to Earth life. (GROWLS) (SCREAMING) Troy, this is frightening. I wonder where they get pictures of things like that. TROY: I haven't seen anything like that since the planet Gorkon. (WRIST DEVICE BEEPING) Troy here. This is the Galactica: Priority Red condition. Can you talk? Not very well. What's that noise? (GROWLING) It's called an Earth entertainment. Captain, one of our patrols is lost. And we believe it has wandered into Earth's gravitational pull: I'll give you a complete briefing as soon as you're in a safe zone for transmission: We'll be leaving here as soon as possible. Children, we have to leave now. We wanna stay. We wanna stay, this is funny.
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