other team. All right, let's go out there and win. COMMENTATOR: Polecats coming to bat now: There's the pitch: A sharp ground ball, it should be an easy: : : Uh-oh, it's in the ground: The players are digging for it: The official scorer has ruled it a base hit: Now, this is your field, Jenkins. Now, if your groundskeepers are building swamps, don't take it up with me. Now, get off the field. Just play ball. The Polecats trying to make a comeback: The lefthander sets: The batter squares away the bunt: He does: Back to the pitcher: This should be an easy play: No, he's beaten it out: I have never seen anybody run that fast: What we need now is a slugger. Wellington. Wellington? Watch. COMMENTATOR: That's going to bring Wellington back up to the plate: You guys can sit down. He couldn't hit a beach ball. If I strike at a 43.6 degree angle at a velocity of one centimeter per millisecond with a G Force... The pitch, the swing, it's going, going, it's still going: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the most amazing comeback this reporter has ever seen: It is a home run for the Polecats: Lucky. No, simple physics. COMMENTATOR: The Polecats are closing the gap: TRO Y: That should bypass the main computron circuits, put us back on manual: DILLON: You hope: If not, it's been nice: (BOTH BREATHING HEAVILY) All right, we come into the seventh inning: There's a base hit, and a run is scored: The ball hit, and another run: There's a bunt: He's going to beat it out, and scores another run: The perfect sacrifice squeeze there: Everybody's safe: Another base hit: Another base hit for the Polecats: The Polecats are making a ballgame out of it: Are you ready? As I'll ever be: The Polecats, until now, have been playing like they had their head in the clouds: But they have managed to overtake the Cougars: The Polecats have taken the field, and as we all know, defense is the weakest part of their game: And they are going to be hard-pressed to try to protect that slim one run lead: Yet a nice catch by the pitcher as the bat breaks in two: Out! Ooh, is there stuff on that pitch! This ball is between the fielders, it's all the way to the fence: The centerfielder picks up the ball: Here comes the throw: What a throw! Out! He's out at the plate: A clutch throw by the centerfielder: : : : stepping in: The pitcher looks: Here's the pitch: A long fly ball to left field: It's going, it's going: This should tie it: The leftfielder leaps high into the air: It's caught: We won! He caught an amazing catch: And the Polecats win it! And the final score, the Polecats beat the Cougars nine to eight: What a finish! JAMIE: All right! Gather the children. That might prove to be a little difficult. Very resourceful, Miss Hamilton. We'll wait for them inside. Stay with the children. TROY: If we're gonna get to those coordinates Adama gave us to Xavier's last transmission, we're gonna have to fly. DILLON: Say no more. One more trick like that and I shall be forced to diminish you drastically. Going some place, Miss Hamilton? Oh, Colonel, what a wonderful surprise. You do know why I'm here. For the scout troop. Yes. The children will be ready to leave after the trophy's been awarded. Miss Hamilton, I warned you. Oh, Colonel, I think you should meet this man. He wanted us to leave with him after the game. Oh. Might I ask what your interest is? That is no concern of yours. Anyone who's interested in these special children is of interest to me. I must insist that you leave, Colonel. Must you? I represent the United States govern... TROY: Xavier, hold it! DILLON: Jamie, get down! Hold it, you! No, Colonel, don't! Look out, Colonel. JAMIE: Oh, no. What about Xavier? If we pursue him, we risk injuring others. The important thing is that the children are safe. Is he going to be all right? With proper
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