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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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nothing more we
can do from inside here:
We have to get outside
to the master circuits:
That kind of exertion
will use up what's left
of our oxygen supply:
We'll run out waiting:
Would you rather die
just sitting in here?
No: I'm with you:
have taken the field,
and here is the leadoff
batter for the Cougars,
little Frankie Lupo:
And it's hit deep
to left field:
It's going deep:
Out: It could be out of here,
and it is! It's a home run:
Frankie Lupo hits the first
pitch out of the ballpark: : :
Oh, no.
Oh, my, this could be a long
afternoon for the Polecats:
You guys are
a piece of cake.
Piece of cake?
COMMENTATOR: : : : rounds third
and headed home:
And the Cougars
take a 1-0 lead:
Hey, Jamie,
what's the matter?
Why's he choking?
What's going on here?
I want to know what
this is all about.
No, you don't.
Little Jeffy Frieley:
a hole in one: This should be
caught by the centerfielder:
No, don't catch it!
No, it drops in between:
Get up!
Cover for him!
Here comes the throw:
There's nothing on it:
: : : inside of the park
home run:
This is not right.
They should have called
you guys the Scaredy Cats
instead of the Polecats.
I can only guess that
the land developers that want
my camp put you up to this.
You've done a great job
of doing me in,
not to mention all of my kids.
TRO Y: This isn't
going to be easy:
DILLON: It's going to
be impossible:
We don't have the equipment
to fix the damage done here:
This is Commander Adama
to Xavier.
At the end of six innings,
the Cougars have a commanding
6-0 lead over the Polecats:
Go ahead, Adama.
I have considered
your proposal, Xavier.
And after much deliberation...
You know that you really
have but one choice.
Yes, and as hard
as it is for me,
I must refuse your demands:
You realize you are
condemning the children
as well as Troy and Dillon.
ADAMA: If I concede
to your demands,
then how often will you
attempt to hold a similar
threat over our heads?
I can only hope that you will
see how useless it would be
to harm these innocent people
to achieve your end.
You will never
escape our justice:
Goodbye, Adama.
You have condemned
the children to death.
When the game is over,
you will make sure that
every child moves
directly to the bus.
To avoid the Colonel,
of course.
Adama refused, didn't he?
So you know about that.
All right. That's better.
If you value the children's
lives and your own,
you'll do exactly
as I tell you.
of six innings,
the Cougars have a commanding
6-0 lead over the Polecats:
They've been
in charge all the way:
And the Cougars
are taking the field:
They build up that
6-0 lead and: : :
Okay, get in, boys.
Listen, Jamie,
when the game's over,
I'm going to stay behind.
The whole world's going to
be out there taking pictures
of the winning team.
Yeah, and those Cougars
are going to be swamped
by reporters.
You're right. The winners
will be surrounded by people.
No better place to hide
than in a crowd.
Never mind, Hal.
Don't count us out.
Oh, come on, Jamie.
You're six runs behind
and failing fast.
This game's not over
to the very last out.
If there's going to be a team
caught in a press crunch,
it's going to be us.
We're going home winners.
Right, Polecats?
ALL: Yeah!
We can do it. Give me a couple
of seconds with the kids.
A little pep talk.
Couple of seconds?
You're going to need
more like a year.
Now, listen carefully.
We have to win.
But you said...
Never mind what I said.
You have to win, and
you're going to have to use
all your skills to do that.
Now, I know it might not
seem fair to those other kids,
but there's more at stake here
than just a baseball game.
Come on, Scaredy Cats,
chicken. Give up?
Good. We don't like
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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