ball club, if you will: They certainly aren't as big as the rival Cougars: What's your main strength? The basic fundamentals, Bob: I like to stress the ABCs of baseball: Now, was it four strikes and three balls or... No, it was three strikes, four balls and three outs. And nine players and seven innings. And nine in the big leagues. Mr. Eheres says we have to catch flies out in the field. What are they? Disgusting. That's what they are. There are too many reporters here. This was probably a terrible mistake. On the contrary, what better place to hide than in a crowd right in front of people? Okay, kids. Have a seat, have a seat for a second. Okay, I gotta talk to you. Now that I have your attention... Well, hello, Miss Hamilton. You look terrified, Miss Hamilton. What is it? Nothing. You just frightened me. Look, I can't talk now. Oh, yes, you can and yes, you will. Sergeant, keep your eye on these children. You'll have to watch the boys from the bleachers, Colonel. They've got a game to play here. A game? Regional playoffs. What is the Air Force interest here? You have a statement of some kind to make to the press? I think I can wait until after I've seen their performance on the field. That could prove to be even more interesting. Team, make me into a believer. I want you to go out there and win that game. Now, get out there on the double. Come on. The Encino Cougars are already on the ball field now: We're waiting now for the Southwest champions, the Polecats: : : Hey, here they come right now: The Southwestern conference champs are coming out onto the playing field led by their coach, Billy Eheres: BILLY: Hup, hup, hup. COMMENTATOR: Teams are meeting at the plate now, and we'll have the toss of the coin in just a few minutes: They're not as big as we expected they'd be, but from reports they're a tough little team: Okay, kids, everyone but the captain, go hit the bench. BILLY: Hit the bench. Now, Lancer, get in there. Hey, what are you doing? Hey, what are they doing? Hitting the bench. Just what he said to do. It's okay, you can sit down now. This is a brand new silver dollar. You're the visitor, sport, so you can call it. Brand new silver dollar. Thank you very much. Is he kidding? Give me back my money. Give that back. There seems to be some kind of a misunderstanding down on the field over the coin toss: Hey, look. Currency. What's the problem, ump? If that kid doesn't give me back my silver dollar, you forfeit the game. Give it back to him. COMMENTATOR: The umpire's discussion with the: : : Now, listen, gang, this isn't gonna be easy. And you're going to look a little foolish, but the Air Force is watching us. So you're going to have to go out there and lose again. (ALL EXCLAIMING IN DISMAY) It's for your own good. (CROWD CHEERING) COMMENTATOR: Playoff game between the Polecats and the Cougars: And now, Wellington, you're batting first, all right? Moonstone, where are you? You're batting next. COMMENTATOR: Stepping in the box now for the Polecats is their leadoff batter, Wellington: Pitcher, play ball. Here's the lefthander's first delivery: Strike one! A strike swinging right over the inside corner: Hey batter, I've got a better swing hanging from a tree in my backyard. (CROWD LAUGHING) That's all right, Wellington. That's all right. Just watch that ball. COMMENTATOR: Okay, here comes the next pitch: Strike two! Strike two: COMMENTATOR: We're in the top half of the first inning: It's just underway, in case you joined us late: Here's the lefthander's pitch: Strike three! You're out of there! COMMENTATOR: Strike three: One batter is out: One away here in the top of the first inning: (BREATHES HEAVILY) Dillon: I was hoping I'd wake up back aboard the Galactica. The air is foul in here: Xavier's managed to seal off the circuit: (SIGHS) There's
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