really scouts at all: Jamie, obviously something more happened up at Paradise Valley than you've told me. Mr. Brooks, Paradise Valley was just the tip of the iceberg. The story I'm working on is of major proportions. As you can surmise by the Air Force's interest. Jamie, I can understand your keeping something of this magnitude under your hat, but not from your own people. Now, I'm prepared to offer you all the assistance I can when Colonel Sydell gets there. Colonel Sydell is coming here? Yes, I had to tell him where you were. Jamie, you left me in a very awkward position. I'm sorry about that, Mr. Brooks. Thank you. (JAMIE HANGS UP) Jamie? Colonel Sydell is on his way, so we gotta get out of here. Colonel Sydell? Commander Adama must have said something about an Air Force investigation. Yes, of course. Billy, I have to talk to you. Hey, punk. Look, is it all right if I want to be by myself for a while? You haven't got the time. Tomorrow's the game. There isn't going to be a game tomorrow. Let my kids play. (BILLY CHUCKLES) Look, you're a nice lady, but you're crazy. Let them show you what they can do. You know what kind of training it takes to build even a second-strength team? Never mind when it's going to the playoffs tomorrow. What have you got to lose? Okay, Starla, you wanted to throw the ball. But you said... Never mind. Throw it. How did you do that? I don't know, but Starla can do it every time. You know, with you on the team we wouldn't need anybody else. What are we doing standing here? Come on, let's get out of here. WOMAN: Transferring emergency signal to Commander Adama: Commander Adama here, transfer transmission to my quarters. Commander, how good to hear your voice once again. Who is this? Surely you remember me? Xavier. And what diabolical plot are you weaving now? Actually, I wish to bargain. I will not bargain with you. You declared yourself outside of our laws. That's not true. I simply disagree with the policies of that infantile wizard, Dr. Zee. I will not be led by an adolescent. (SIGHS) What is your bargain? The lives of Troy and Dillon and the 12 children. And you say you are not mad? Hear me out, Adama. Or I place the consequences on your head. I simply want my freedom to live in peace here on Earth. And where do you propose to live on Earth? In the present? The past? In whose kingdom or country? In what position of power? That is my business. Provided I obey the intergalactic laws. I will have to consult with Dr. Zee and the Council. What you ask, I cannot agree to alone. I give you 10 Earth hours in which to agree. After that, Troy and Dillon will be beyond help. (BREATHING HEAVILY) Lieutenant Dillon to Galactica. Come in, Galactica. Please acknowledge, priority red: (BREATHES HEAVILY) Repeat: Lieutenant Dillon to Galactica. Priority red: No luck? Troy, you still have another hour to sleep: I just got a look at the oxygen supply: Yeah, I know: I'm afraid we'll exhaust it long before we enter Galactica's communication range: Why don't you sleep? I gonna try to take the computron apart: See if I can override what Xavier's done: All right: It isn't going to be easy going to sleep knowing I may never wake up: (CHEERING) COMMENTATOR: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Southern Conference Regional Playoffs: This is the final game that pits the Southeastern champion, Cougars, against the finalist from the Southwestern conference, the Polecats: The Southwestern champions are in the locker room: We tried to interview them earlier, but apparently they are not very big talkers: In fact, they are not very big at all: But we're delighted to have with us their very colorful and famous coach, Billy Eheres: And Billy, I know so many of your fans want to hear from you even though this isn't a big league situation: Tell us about your
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