throw a ball through a tank at half a mile. Fabulous. Listen, I'm ready to roll. You just have that kid do it again, okay? No, no, not yet. I have this thing very carefully choreographed, and I'll tell you when to shoot. Yeah, but Jamie... Hal. This could mean an Emmy. Maybe even a Pulitzer Prize. Trust me. Right. You just give me the signal. Well, what do you guys think, huh? You like this place around here? Uh-huh. Good. How about throwing the ball around some? JAMIE: No. ALL: Yes. Looks like you've been out-voted. I'll tell you what. I'll meet you out on the field and I'll show you how it's done. Now, Jamie? Oh, Hal, why don't you get set up in a good position? Right. Now, listen, I want you to promise me you won't do anything to betray who you really are. Which means we have to perform as complete muscular disasters. Do we have to? That's right. Now, go out there and lose. STARLA: Isn't going to be easy. None of this is easy. DILLON: Full rundown confirms status, Troy: We're in trouble: We have complete power shutdown: We're not burning fuel: But we are using up oxygen: My estimates gives us approximately eight hours at normal breathing capacity: We should be able to increase that by 30% if we induce sleep mode: Sleep mode? Shouldn't we continue to try and communicate to Galactica? We'll take turns: One of us will sleep while the other tries to make contact: Hopefully, we'll orbit back into the Galactica's communication range: And since I can't sleep anyway, why don't I take the first watch? See you in about eight hours: After all we've been through, to end up like this: Wonder if anybody knows where we are: Colonel Sydell. What brings you here? Well, I came here to see Jamie Hamilton. I'm sorry, she's away on a story. Can I be of some help? Well, possibly. Does her story happen to involve either of the two men in this folder? Oh, those terrorists. No, not this time. Just an ex-ballplayer who runs a camp for kids. A camp for kids? Uh-huh. Any scouts? As a matter of fact, yes. Well, those scouts are imposters. Imposters? Where is this camp? (SIGHS) Now, that's odd. Why is that odd? There was a man here earlier and he asked the very same question. (GASPS) No, no, don't be alarmed, Miss Hamilton. Don't worry. As soon as I get my heart out of my throat, I'll be fine. Who are you? I'm Lieutenant Nash. I've been sent by Commander Adama to help you with the children. Why didn't you say so? I thought you were Bigfoot or something. Bigfoot? What is Bigfoot? Never mind, it's not important. You're here, that's important. It is? Oh, I've only got two hands and two legs and a dozen children. Galactican children. I'm beat. Uh, tired. I understand. You do? Oh, good. How're you with children? I love children. Very much. (CHILDREN WHOOPING) Hi, I just wanted to thank you for everything. And I'd like you to meet, uh, an acquaintance of mine. This is... Yeah, sure, sure. Yeah, sure. Not a friendly sort. Billy? Let him go. But I just wanted to... Well, I expect to reimburse him for the room and board. Forget it. It's over. Save your money. Bankrupt is bankrupt. What? I thought it was all set. I mean, aren't you going to the playoffs? Half the team came down with the flu. If we don't field a team, we forfeit. Stratton, the guy who owns this land, he'll sell so fast that we'll wake up tomorrow on somebody else's land. But what about Billy's kids? They just get thrown out on the streets? (TELEPHONE RINGS) Yeah? It's for you. It's a Mister Brooks. Thank you. Mr. Brooks, what a surprise. I didn't expect to hear from you. Well, I didn't expect to hear from the Air Force either. What did they say? Not very much. But then, neither did you, Jamie. Did they say why they were looking for me? Yes, the Boy Scouts. Whom I'm now beginning to believe are not
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