Full rundown confirmed status, Troy: We're in trouble: We have complete power shutdown: We're not burning fuel: Oxygen is what we're going to need: Estimates gives us approximately 24 hours at normal breathing capacity: ADAMA: The man is totally evil. And now he's managed to change his appearance. We have been quite successful with our epidermal transformation. It is possible to look like anyone. I cannot understand what he hopes to accomplish. If what you surmise is true, Troy and Dillon are within Earth's gravitational pull. Eventually they will orbit back into Galactica's range. All he can gain is time. Perhaps that is what he seeks. He needs Troy and Dillon out of the way so that he may carry out his nefarious scheme. Troy and Dillon weren't even pursuing him. The first mandate was to remain with the children and... The children. Xavier would not do harm to his own people. He realizes he can no longer return to the Galactica, except as a prisoner. I believe he would do anything to ensure his own freedom. Including the use of our children as bargaining tools. We can't even send other warriors. Only Troy and Dillon know where they left the children. We can do nothing. Nothing but wait. Be careful. Hi there. Well, what have we got here? Oh, Mr. Eheres? I'm Jamie Hamilton, from UBC. I phoned this morning. Just Billy. Pleased to meet you. So, who's the gang here? Uh, friends. A group of orphaned kids. I thought it would be nice for them to see your camp and meet a few people their own age. Orphans, huh? Well, just don't stand here, kids, go soak up some of this atmosphere around here, huh? Meet the other kids, huh? ALL: May we, please? Of course. They're down there past those cabins. Hey, wait a minute. Jamie, I'm not ready yet. Oh, we'll have plenty of time for pictures, Hal. I think more people are beginning to recognize the importance of sports. I sure hope so. At least that's why I opened this baseball camp. Baseball camp? I thought it was a camp for underprivileged children. Underprivileged kids play ball, too, you know. As a matter of fact, we've got a team going to the regionals. We're counting on them to win, because if they don't, we're all going to lose. What do you mean? Well, see, this camp is run on donations, and if we have a winning team we're going to have a lot of people supporting us. But if we lose, well, interest is gonna drop off, and unfortunately, so will the money. HAL: Jamie. Listen, Jamie, Mr. Brooks wanted pics of the kids. Maybe they could play a few innings? Any way we could get up a little game? Hey, great. The team we're supposed to scrimmage with today come down with a flu. Good idea. No. Jamie, they're here to have a good time. They don't know the game. Why, where these kids come from, they hardly know what daylight is. Wow, I'd like to keep them around here for a few weeks. That's a wonderful idea. Oh, wait a minute. Sorry, I got a team to take to the regionals, remember? Maybe later, okay? If there is going to be a team later. Jamie, about these kids... Oh, later, Hal. Here we go. All right, Freddy-O! Hey, (WHISTLES) can you toss us our ball? Hey, you, scout, how about the ball? Go get it, Starla. Is this what they want? It's called a baseball. General Abner Doubleday invented the game. Well, you're going to throw it back or what? Oh, no. No, Starla, don't. Okay, where's the ball? I threw it. It landed over there beyond the trees. The trees? They're over 300 yards away. Wise guys, right? Did I do something wrong? Jamie, just a minute, please. That kid just threw that ball half a mile. No, no. It wasn't that far, it was probably an optical illusion or something. Or something? Kid's got an arm like Nolan Ryan. What's going on? The child is a genetic mutation. A what? It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing. The kid can
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