mean, man, I don't know. Let's find out. All right, man, let's go. Checking them out. What are they? That's what I mean, man, I don't know. Hey! You turkeys pull off. We want to talk to you. You must have us confused with somebody else. My name is not Turkey, and neither is his. Pull over, wise guys, or we'll run you over, got it? He seems very insistent. We can't afford to let them get too good a look at these machines. We're gonna have to risk showing them a little more than I'd hoped to. Ready? Ready. This is where we get off. Yeah? This ain't no off-ramp, dude. DILLON: Surprise! (BIKERS EXCLAIMING) BIKER: Come here, where are you going? Do you see that? Hey, see that? I see it! Looks like some kind of vehicle center over there. Maybe we can find some transportation that will get us further into the city. And leave these alone out here? Let's just not forget where this place is. (MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO) Got a call from an old friend We used to be real close Said he couldn't go on the American way Closed the shop sold the house Bought a ticket to the: : : Fill it up, please. Yup, phone. It's what they use to communicate with each other. How do you do? I'd like to communicate with the Pacific Institute of Technology, please. What's happening? What do you mean, what's happening? Nothing is happening. You can see that. Speak up. Maybe it's a pretty primitive piece of equipment. (SHOUTING) How do you do? I'd like to communicate with the Pacific Institute of Technology. Hello. Hello, uh, are you two using the phone? Yes. No. (STAMMERING) Well, what I mean is we're finished. You can use it if you like. If you're sure you're through. Yes, well, we have quite a lot of communicating to do. We can wait. Well, I really am in kind of a hurry. Thank you. Yes, I'd like to call the United Broadcasting Company. Thirty-five cents? Yes, just a minute. Oh, wait. Do either of you have change for a dollar? No, I'm sorry. We just used our last denomination of currency ourselves. I'll have to call you back, Operator, thank you. I'm gonna get change. You need some? We'll be fine. Credit card, huh? I wish I had one. The most important interview of my life, and I'm going to be late. This is hopeless. We can't get any currency until we find Dr. Mortinson. And we can't find Dr. Mortinson till we get some currency. Well, she said something about a card. Now, it's just possible that a sensor could read whatever code these things work on. It's worth a try. Do you mind explaining what you're doing? (STAMMERING) Picking up our currency. Did you just rifle that coin box? No, it just started throwing these things out. I think it's malfunctioning. I'll bet it's malfunctioning. You put the money back in the box. No, hand it to me. Now, take a hike or I'll turn you in to the service attendant. There's no need to get hostile. He's right. I mean, we're strangers here. We don't mean anybody any harm. Just take a hike. I've got a call to make. What do we do? We had the money right in the palm of our hands. Yes. This is Jamie Hamilton. From KENO, Reno. I'm the newsgirl... Lady... Person. I'm sorry, Miss Hamilton. Mr. Brooks is upstairs in a meeting. No, I'm sure that'll be all right. His schedule is pretty open. Get here as soon as you can. Okay. I thought I told you two to get lost. Look. We had nothing to do with what happened to that phone. As a matter of fact, we're late for an appointment ourselves. Is there any chance that you're going near the Pacific Institute of Technology? That's where you two are going? Yeah. We're going to see Dr. Mortinson. The Dr. Mortinson? Yes. We had difficulty with our transportation. Well, maybe I did jump to conclusions. But you have to admit, it did look a little odd. Yes, very strange. Look, maybe I can give you a lift. Oh, does
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