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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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The consensus is that
I'm spending too much
of the taxpayer's money
tracking down UFOs.
But that's your job, sir.
No, no.
They feel it is
explaining things away
as easily as possible.
Will there be
anything else, sir?
Jamie Hamilton, UBC.
She's the key to finding
these two, whatever they are.
Lieutenant, I'm going
to be out for a while.
I would rather not
let anyone know.
As in, top secret?
You might say that.
Now, be careful
of the wires, okay?
Now, I want you to
promise me you'll all
be on your best behavior.
Those tour booklets will tell
you all about how television
works here on Earth.
That way you'll appreciate
what you're going to see
later on, on the tour.
How long will
you be gone?
Not long.
But I do have a job.
And if I don't show up,
I'll get fired.
Don't worry, Miss Hamilton.
We'll be fine.
I'll explain
the basic rudiments
of Earth's transmission
while you're gone.
Well, that will be just...
Wait a minute,
how can you explain it?
This booklet you gave me.
Well, I just read it.
You read the booklet
in three minutes?
Never mind.
Just learn what you can
and keep them busy
till I get back.
Let me begin this seminar
by explaining the working
principles of what they call
a television camera.
Primitive but fascinating.
I think I can best explain
its function to you
by taking it apart.
Harris, take a camera team
and cover the recall election
down in the county.
Then after you button that up,
move on down and pick up
whatever pieces you can get
on the illegal alien situation
down in the garment district.
What did he say
about the aliens?
The illegal worker type.
People who cross our borders,
try to work without
official immigration papers.
Not the kind of aliens
who land in flying saucers.
I got a report on
a human interest angle
that might make a nice story.
You remember Billy Eheres,
the former National League
bonus baby?
Apparently, his Casey's Camp
for underprivileged children
is in some kind
of financial trouble.
Chuck, why don't you
go down and cover it?
Try to get a couple of shots
of what he's trying to do
after you cover
the Mayor's office.
Are you talking about
a kids' camp?
Yes. I'm sorry, Jamie,
there's nothing
about this assignment.
A good reporter has to take
the good with the bad.
I'd be more than happy
to cover the children's
camp story.
Okay, Jamie,
you've got it.
All right,
that does it, everybody.
Everybody, get to work
and bring me back
some good stories.
Jamie, you stay.
extended use of solid-state
electronic modules
and completely self-contained
synchronizing generator.
Hey, what's going on here?
What in the world
is going on here?
Just covering the basics
of video transmission.
You're welcome to listen.
Jamie, I think it's time
we had a little talk.
Talk? About what,
Mr. Brooks?
About your running off
on your own.
About your covering
stories to which you
haven't been assigned.
Things like terrorists
and flying saucers.
And in each and every case,
you disappear for a
couple of days at a time.
A story doesn't always
tell itself from nine to five.
Jamie, come on.
I haven't got time
to exchange our
philosophies of journalism.
Look, do me a favor.
Go up to that camp
and get that story.
At least I know you
can't get into trouble
on this one.
You called, chief?
Hi, Hal.
Oh, hello, Hal.
Jamie, I want Hal
to work with you
on this one.
You're going up to see
Billy Eheres.
Jamie, I don't know
if you know this.
Billy Eheres had the potential
to be one of the greatest
baseball players ever.
I think a lot of people
would be interested in
hearing about him again.
After I make
one stop...
BROOKS: Uh-uh-uh.
You're to go
right to the camp.
You do not stop.
You are not to pass Go.
You are not to collect $200.
And please,
try to stay out of trouble.
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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