They're called waffles. You put some syrup on it and they taste real good. They look like the Galactica: They look ew. It looks good. Now, listen, you're gonna have to get used to what you have to eat on... ...on the table. But first, I think we should say a silent prayer of gratitude on behalf of Moonstone, Starla and Jason. Are they all right? Yeah, they certainly are. ALL: Yay! (CHILDREN CHATTERING) So, what's going to happen now? We have to go. What do you mean you have to go? I just received a communiquй from the Galactica: We have to go on a special mission. What about the children? Oh, they shouldn't prove to be much trouble. We'll get back as soon as we can. We knew you'd understand. We do have a job to do. You... You mean me? The children? Oh, no. Thank you, Jamie. Kids, we have to do something for a few days, but before we leave, I'd like to take a moment to tell you how proud both Troy and I are of the way you've conducted... (ALL GIGGLING)I've been sent by Commander Adama to help you with the children. A television camera. Primitive but fascinating. What's going on here? An $80,000 color camera, they took it apart. You know, kids playing anything is a pure joy to watch. Kid's got an arm like Nolan Ryan. Okay, I gotta talk to you. Now that I have your attention... Well, hello, Miss Hamilton. (CROWD APPLAUDING) It's caught: ADAMA: The great ship, Galactica. Our home for these many years we've endured the wilderness of space: And now we near the end of our journey: We have at last found Earth: ADAMA: The Galactica continues to lead the Cylons away from the planet Earth: But so far, our brother Council member, Xavier, who has turned outlaw, continues to elude us: Two of our most able warriors, Troy and Dillon, remain down on the planet Earth, seeking a place where we can send our young to prevent their destruction, in what we know will be an imminent and final Cylon battle: With each day, it becomes increasingly difficult for our children to live as Earth's children: Being accustomed to a much denser gravity causes them to display super skills that are jeopardizing their ability to blend in down on Earth without detection: Still, they must try: Surely they face imminent destruction out in space: These are the coordinates. DILLON: There she is. Wonder what this sudden, urgent mission is all about. (BEEPS) Captain Troy. Lieutenant Dillon. Lieutenant Nash. I thought your squadron was on battle alert. Why were you sent? I was told to bring this ship to you so that you could carry out your mission. Oh, yes, our instructions were most vague. We've been using the scrambler. I can't understand why we weren't given more information. Nobody could have intercepted or decipher the Galactica's transmissions. One person could. Xavier. Dr. Zee has confirmed his reentry into our present time frame. Troy, I've been waiting for a chance to get my hands on him. Well, now your chance has come. Your orders are sealed into the computron. Dr. Zee has programmed the coordinates of Xavier's locations into the auto flight. What about you? You'll be stranded here without the ship. I'm supposed to watch the children until you return. Very good. It will make it much easier on them having somebody with their background they can relate to. Where can I find them? They're with Jamie Hamilton. She's... Ah, yes, Jamie Hamilton. She's the Earth woman who has been so helpful to us in the past. Where can I locate her? She can be reached through the United Broadcasting Company. Then don't worry. I will give the children extra special care. We'll return as soon as possible. I wouldn't count on it, Captain. They don't really believe I can run a special detachment on this budget, do they? Then why don't you just bust me? I'm already grounded. You got me flying a desk for Public
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