to coal as fuel. The scanners hypothesize a day in late March, or early April that year, in which your family, Mr. Stockton, will be called upon to bear a heavy loss. Don't tell me I only got ten years. Hey, I'm in great shape. That's me. I'm okay. I'm alive. What did I tell you guys? Wait a minute. Why am I crying? Who is it? My daughter-in-law is there, my wife, the doc here... Sheriff. Not my boy. Not Jimmy. Jimmy Lee Stockton, born in August of 1960, will die, all things being equal to the course of events now projected in the spring of 1990. No. No way. Please! Statistically, it is certain, if he continues to work in the purificationery of your plant, that his system is exposed to the chemical dioxins on a daily basis. In time, your own research will conclude these toxins destroy the human body's natural resistance. Of course, it is possible that circumstances could alter these events. What circumstances? What can I do? Merely divert the waste out of the water supply, and store them in non-corrosive containers. You have, as a starting point, the knowledge that these wastes are lethal. Intensify your research program into final disposition of those wastes. These are possibilities, but, uh... COMPUTER: Alert! Alert! Intruders approaching: We have to leave. Wait! What about my boy? What about our town? If these circumstances are altered, will we be all right? If you follow my instructions, perhaps. I'll do my best. That is all anyone can do. All stations prepare for ascent: Escort Mr. Stockton. Factoring coordinates for sixty microns and counting: What about the children? The inevitability of a Cylon holocaust grows stronger every hour. Boxey, you must find a place for all our young. They'll be safe here on earth. Grandfather, when will I see you again? When the time is right. SHERIFF: Hey, Colonel, wait up. I'm an old man. You're gonna kill me. I got to get up there. Can't see. What the... Can't see a thing with this mist. Well, it was clear just a minute ago. Vapor. It literally creates its own rain storm. It? Their ship, Sheriff. What do you mean by ship? Nothing, Joe. It's just a figure of speech. Get in, Mr. Stockton. You're going down the mountain. You're going with me. No, you won't be seeing us for a while. They'll never believe me. I'll be locked up as a raving lunatic. What am I going to tell people? What do you want to tell them? About the terrible mistake we're making. I have to warn everybody. I got to save my son. Then that's what you should do. SHERIFF: This is the law: You are surrounded: SYDELL: Now, where did they go? Where did who go? I was just out for a little drive. (DEVICE BEEPS) Now, where are they, Mr. Stockton? I want to go home. There's only one road in or out of here, Colonel, and we were on it. I know. Hey, Collins, why don't you get the Colonel and I a cup of coffee, and then get the state police on the phone for me. Sheriff, before you talk to them, you might want to take a look at this. What the... The note said that there was more than enough gold there to repay the bank for its losses. And I double checked, and it's about twice as much as was stolen. Where did you get this? On the front seat of your car. I found it on the highway along with the other one. I'd like these analyzed, Sheriff. And just what do you think you're going to find out, Colonel? Well, lot more than you'll find with the state police. You might as well give up the search, Sheriff. They're long gone. You really think them people went up in the air, don't you? Of course not, Sheriff. We know that's impossible, don't we? I got to take a rain check on the car. I'll see you later. Take care, Colonel. Uh, Sheriff? You believe any of that stuff he was saying? What stuff? Well, what have we here? That's what we wanna know. What are they?
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